Thursday, February 02, 2012

Spotify Now Advertising On Netizen

Image representing Spotify as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBaseThis blog just landed its biggest advertising deal ever. Spotify is going to place two text link ads at this blog for $598. Two text link ads for a year. The space is going to be used to place job openings.

I just helped Spotify land a superstar developer, and the text link ads followed.

The Spotify Event Was Great
The Spotify CTO Talk
Sean Parker's 2009 Email To Spotify
Sean Parker: Mystery Man

They might even have a consulting gig for me in a few weeks. Their guy I need to have dinner with - "Dinner is on me" - Howard Smith, Chief Recruiter, Spotify - is in Europe and
Cropped image of Daniel Ek, CEO of Spotify tal...Image via Wikipediahence the delay. He should be in town in two weeks.

Howard first wanted me to come in full time. I said I can't do that. I have a few balls in the air I can't drop. The idea was that I'd get into some kind of a full time Chief Evangelist role. I said I could do that or I could come in as a Vision Specialist, for about six months. I think Spotify has what it takes to become one of the truly big tech companies in the world. For me it is the most exciting tech company in New York City in terms of how big it could grow.

And so we are talking.
Sean ParkerImage via Wikipedia
And I have a hidden agenda: I am trying to get to Sean Parker. (My Take On AirTime (4)) If Sean Parker is as excited about Spotify as I am, we got a few things in common.