Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Following 2700 People On Google Plus

English: Joi Ito, December 2008, at the Creati...Image via WikipediaA few weeks back I discovered this list. That gave me a start of sorts on Google Plus, even though I still don't show up daily like I do on Facebook and Twitter and Gmail of course.

It is like I signed up for Tumblr early, not long after it was launched, because I read about it in the news. And then I forgot about it. When someone convinced me to "get on Tumblr" I believe in February 2010, when I went to sign up, there already was a user by that name, and that was me. But Tumblr for me took off when I came across a list by David Noel. I ended up following most people on the list. These were tech entrepreneurs and VCs.

I have gone passive on Tumblr since summer. I still reblog once in a while, but I probably came across the tumblog post somewhere else. My primary blogs hosted on Blogger still feed into my Tumblr, so I still provide fresh content.

When I show up on Google Plus, my stream always surprises me. I follow so many great quality people. If I want some intellectual company, Google Plus is that place. Google Plus has displaced Tumblr for me for now. Even though I got inactive on Tumblr before Google Plus came along, and I am not doing the daily thing yet on Google Plus that I used to do on Tumblr.

Google Plus does not compete with Facebook, just like Twitter does not, Tumblr does not. They occupy different spaces. It is like when I got active on Quora I realized the FourSquare guys were on there, active. On Google Plus that person has been Alexis Ohanian. I see him often in my NY Tech circle. He is there, and he responds. I think he circled me back.

I mean, there is the MIT Media Lab circle, for instance. Joi Ito is really something. And it is an honor to be able to follow his crew.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

FourSquare Should Rent A Stadium

Are there @foursquare and @bliptv holiday parties this year? Or are they going cheap? There seems to be no public info. @dens@dinakaplan
Dec 11 via webFavoriteRetweetReply

paramendraParamendra Bhagat
in reply to @paramendra

@paramendra We did an employees and +1s only party this year. We getting big!
Dec 11 via Twitter for iPhoneFavoriteRetweetReply

paramendraParamendra Bhagat
densDennis Crowley
in reply to @dens

@dens Rent a stadium. I heard you raised some money. I want my party. There's still time! ;-)
Dec 12 via webFavoriteRetweetReply

December Events
Dennis Crowley: Role Model For Kids?
Blip.TV: How Do They Ever Get Anything Done?