Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Needed: 4Chan Log In(s)

Image representing 4chan as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBaseI have been aware of 4Chan although I have never visited the site. But this guy is convincing. I think I do want a 4Chan log in option like I have Facebook and Twitter log ins, as pervasive. I like the idea of multiple log in names that you chose for yourself.

Mashable: 4chan Founder: Facebook and Google Do Identity Wrong [VIDEO]

Google Plus: What Went Wrong?

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBaseNothing went wrong. Google Plus continues to grow like a weed.

But I have not been using it daily, or even weekly. It has not become an integral part of my life. Contrast that to the fact that I use Twitter and Facebook every day, Twitter several times a day.

What went wrong?

For me it really bothered me that I could not feed my blog - hosted on Google's very own Blogger - into my Google Plus stream. I'd have liked it if my blog posts showed up in my Google Plus stream and gathered some comments.