Thursday, September 29, 2011

Google Is Not Fighting Back Hard Enough On Android

Image representing Android as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBaseThe Next Web: Samsung: We can’t rely on Google, so we addressed Android IP issues on our own
The Economist: Asia’s new model company
The Economist: Samsung: The next big bet

This was not supposed to be. Now Samsung has also agreed to pay Microsoft extortion money. A PC equivalent of this bad behavior would be if Microsoft had managed to get money from Red Hat and other Linux companies. An Android equivalent would be if Microsoft had managed to get money from Baidu, a Chinese company that also has a mobile operating system out there. Baidu is not paying a dime.

Motorola Mobility is Google's shot at throwing Microsoft to the ground on this. If Motorola Mobility refuses to pay Microsoft money and wins, the other giants - HTC, Samsung - will also be able to follow suit. But Google is moving too slow with digesting Motorola Mobility. Software is Google's DNA. But the hardware part of the smartphone is important enough.

Done right this could be the Android decade. But for that to happen Android has to go back to being free. This is Google's number one challenge right now and for the foreseeable future.
Android robot logo.Image via Wikipedia
World War III Time: Let's Go To War
Android Has To Be Kept Free

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Nexus Prime: A Birthday Gift To Me?

Amitabh BachchanCover of Amitabh BachchanTechCrunch: Google And Samsung Announce October 11 Event: Nexus Prime Imminent
The Prime, which has been rumored for months but is still unconfirmed, is expected to be the first device running Ice Cream Sandwich — the next major Android update, which will unify for ‘mobile’ Gingerbread OS with ‘TabletHoneycomb. .... It's also expected to be a beast specs-wise, with a dual-core processor, 4.5″ or 4.65″ screen, and 4G. Oh, and my favorite rumor: it’s supposed to be running on Verizon’s top-notch 4G network.... Google’s Nexus line of phones, which have included the Nexus One and Nexus S before now, are unique in that they come with ‘Vanilla’ Android, without any carrier or OEM modifications. They’re also typically the very first devices to get updates as they’re released by the Android team..... perhaps we’ll see a Nexus tablet as well.
October 11 is not my real birthday, just making sure you know. Don't be sending birthday gifts. I have never celebrated my birthday and would like to keep it that way. It is a cultural difference. But it is Amitabh Bachchan's birthday. Amitabh is the most recognized face on the planet.

In The Market For A Smartphone
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