Sunday, August 07, 2011

Kevin Shitstorm Of Instagram

Android robot logo.Image via WikipediaKevin Shitstorm of Instagram takes great pride in saying their team is only four people and they have still managed to take over the world. I think that is one remarkable record to have. I mean, they have been acquiring a million new users a month.

But don't you think they should maybe grow the team a little and release an Android app like maybe six months ago?

Lightbox Android app could be an Instagram killer This Android app is aiming to replace your regular camera functionality and, from what I’ve seen, it has a very good chance of doing that as well as giving the little, green robot something to crow about when iPhone owners talk about Instagram...... a social photo-viewing app that can tie in to your various social networks to display photos. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Foursquare and the company is compressing those photos on its servers to make sure the pics pop up quickly..... many of the innovative mobile photography companies are focusing on the iPhone only