Friday, July 22, 2011

At The Buspark (2), Kentucky Blues

I have been struggling to work on a few autobiographical blog posts. I have wondered if I should publish them at this blog, my most active blog, or maybe they belong at my other blogs. The buspark post belongs at my Nepal blog, and the Kentucky post belongs at my Barackface blog.

They are going to be angry posts. I don't intend to mince words.

I have put out some posts at my blogs that people have described as "hilarious" and "hysterical." Well, these posts will not fall into those categories. They will fall into the angry category. They will fall in the nonviolent militancy category. I have been toying with the idea for about two weeks now. Longer perhaps. But for about two weeks in a more concrete way. It has been hard to get down to it.

If it is hard to talk about now, how much harder must have it been to go through them when they happened? Long time. Long time coming.

At The Buspark
Southern Hospitality
Third World Guy
Deaths In The Family
Enemy Of The State
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Phir Mohabbat

Source: Top 10 Bollywood