Wednesday, July 06, 2011

The Facebook Skype Integration Is Huge

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBaseMy number one gripe with Skype is it does not have all the people on it that I wish were on it. This Facebook Skype integration takes care of that problem. Now you don't need a phone number of that person who is in your Facebook network. This is huge.

This is bigger than Google Plus, a service I am not in yet. A friend sent an invite today but Google says they are so full of it. They did not let me in.

Happy 4th From My Friend Luke

The Facebook Effect
Southern Hospitality

Luke was my next door neighbor when I showed up. We were in the same suite. He was a music man.

I had brought a full supply of Bollywood with me. I also had plenty of Gazals. I would listen to them when I got a chance.

One day Luke approached me. "Can I ask you something?"


"Why do you listen to the same song again and again and again!"

I had been listening to tens of different songs.