Saturday, June 04, 2011

My Favorite Thing About America

New York City Subway R TrainImage by NYCUrbanScape via FlickrMy absolutely, absolutely favorite thing about America by a wide margin are biracial and multiracial people with active, vibrant ties to their various heritages. And I have been saying this for almost a decade.

The New York City Subway

I used to say number two would be broadband. Number three would be New York City. But then that goes without saying. NYC is hometown for life. I have been everywhere in America, and I mean literally everywhere. When I look at a map of the US I see what you see when you look at the NYC subway map, if you have been many places in this city many times.

Hitting The Road

Just like I have been everywhere in America, I want to have gone everywhere in the world, but I need to put a few years to get my startups off the ground, first things first. And then global travel with broadband-always is going to be how I spend a few months every year. My microfinance outfit would demand something like that. There are somethings that you just have to see. Google Earth does not quite cut it.