Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Ugh, Immigration

Immigration Court Date: June 6, 2011: Prepared Statement

Good talk with immigration lawyer for Monday court date.less than a minute ago via txt Favorite Retweet Reply

What's Up With Pictures?

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Image representing Instagram as depicted in Cr...Image via CrunchBasePictures are all the rage, and Instagram deserves much credit. True, Facebook already had billions of pictures before Instagram even showed but with Facebook people thought - with the exception of Fred Wilson - it was a social network rather than a photo sharing site. With Instagram the facade was gone.

There is just something about pictures. The old adage of a picture being worth a thousand words might be true. Something tells me that even after the world might have moved on to gigabit speeds, pictures will still rule. Because a picture is respectful. You know going in that it need not be more than a split second experience. But a 30 second video is a time commitment. And so the picture will hold its ground even as bandwidth goes up. Actually pictures might expand ground. As the bandwidth expands, people might share more and more pictures. Go figure.