Saturday, May 21, 2011

My 50 Strong Tech Team Ranked 17 Globally On Vworker

My Post At Technorati Tweeted Out By Google News

Image representing Google News as depicted in ...Image via CrunchBaseThe credit goes to Technorati. Google News does not know who I am. But I just noticed my newest post for Technorati got tweeted out by Google News. That's amazing. Technorati is a Top 30 web property. It is the best thing that has happened for my blogs' traffic.

What was my peak traffic by a wide margin two years back is now not even my floor on a slow day like Saturday. That's amazing. And there is nowhere to go but up. All those links that I send to my blog from my posts at Technorati have been working wonders for traffic to this blog.

Microsoft's Second Act?