Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Patti Smith's Dancing Barefoot: One Powerful Song

Patti Smith performing at TIM Festival, Marina...Image via WikipediaI have been listening to this song multiple times today. It is so very powerful. I just googled up the lyrics to the song for the first time. Wow. This is really something.

Patti Smith: Dancing Barefoot

This song might be to love songs what The English Patient is to movies in that genre. My favorite part has got to be the mention of gravity. That is one powerful metaphor. The mention of the word barefoot attains the same height as the mention of gravity. The mention of "the mystery of childbirth" takes me to my favorite book: Tagore's Gitanjali.

Apple: Trillion Dollar Company?

Steve Jobs while presenting the iPad in San Fr...Image via Wikipedia
Yahoo Finance: Apple Will Become A Trillion-Dollar Company, Says Altucher — $1,000 a Share: Apple recently blew past Microsoft, Cisco, and other companies to become the most valuable tech company in the world. But that's just the beginning, says investor James Altucher of Formula Capital....... Altucher thinks Apple will eventually be worth more than $1 trillion, maybe even $2-$3 trillion. ...... the company's global market share in its key markets--smart-phones, tablets, and Macs--is still very low. Also, factoring out Apple's massive $65 billion pile of cash, the stock is trading at a low price-earnings multiple.
Apple is not going to be a trillion dollar company. That is too much extrapolation. This trillion dollar talk reminds me of the singularity talk, that is yet another case of too much extrapolation.