Wednesday, March 09, 2011

March 25: Stern: Entrepreneurs Exchange Summit

Seth GodinImage via WikipediaNYU Stern Entrepreneurs Exchange
EEX Annual Entrepreneurs' Summit
Hosted by Entrepreneurs Exchange Club
When: Friday, March 25, 2011 at 4:00pm 9:00pm
Where: Kaufman Management Center, NYU Stern, Room 1-100
Ticket price: $45 (Non-Stern Ticket)

1st Annual EEX Summit

Keynote Speaker: Seth Godin

Chris Dixon, Co-Founder - Founder Collective (SEO Is No Longer A Viable Marketing Strategy For Startups)
Alexis Ohanian, Co-Founder - Reddit, Breadpig, Marketing - Hipmunk (How reddit became reddit - the biggest smallest community online)
Eric Wiesen, General Partner - RRE Ventures
Ian Sigalow, Partner - Greycroft Partners
Brian Hirsch, Managing Director & Co-Chairman - Greenhill SAVP
Charlie O'Donnell, Principal - First Round Capital
Jason Finger, Founder - Seamless Web
Idan Cohen, Co-Founder & VP Product - Boxee
Sam Hamadeh, Founder - Vault
Soraya Darabi, Co-Founder & VP Business Development - Foodspotting
Jen Fleis, Founder - Rent the Runway
Mike Yavonditte, Founder, CEO - Hashable
Vin Vacanti, Founder - Yipit
Jesse Hertzberg, SVP Business Development - SquareSpace (former VP Operations & Business Development at Etsy)
Peter Shankman, Founder & CEO - HARO
Sean Black, Founder & CEO - SalesCrunch
Giff Constable, Co-Founder & CEO - Aprizi
Seth Berkowitz, Founder - Insomnia Cookies

Sleep More Important Than Food: But I Knew That

Herbal teaImage via WikipediaI have instinctively known these things. I am a good sleeper. Thanks for the confirmation. I am actually way up there with the violinists.
Harvard Business Review: Sleep is More Important than Food: When researchers put test subjects in environments without clocks or windows and ask them to sleep any time they feel tired, 95 percent sleep between seven and eight hours out of every 24. Another 2.5 percent sleep more than eight hours. That means just 2.5 percent of us require less than 7 hours of sleep a night to feel fully rested. That's 1 out of every 40 people. ...... When I ask people in my talks how many had fewer than 7 hours of sleep several nights during the past week, the vast majority raise their hands. ...... We've literally lost touch with what it feels like to be fully awake. ...... In Anders Ericcson's famous study of violinists, the top performers slept an average of 8 ½ hours out of every 24, including a 20 to 30 minute midafternoon nap some 2 hours a day more than the average American. ...... The top violinists also reported that except for practice itself, sleep was second most important factor in improving as violinists. ...... I go to great lengths to assure that I get at least 8 hours every night, and ideally between 8 ½ and 9, even when I'm traveling. ...... the overnight "redeye" from California to New York, but I'm asleep by takeoff — even if takes an Ambien. When I get home at 6 or 7 a.m., I go right to bed until I've had my 8 hours. What I've learned about those days is that I'd rather work at 100 percent for 5 or 6 hours, than at 60 percent for 8 or 9 hours. ..... Go to bed earlier — and at a set time. ..... Start winding down at least 45 minutes before you turn out the light. You won't fall asleep if you're all wound up from answering email, or doing other work. Create a ritual around drinking a cup of herbal tea, or listening to music that helps you relax, or reading a dull book. ...... Write down what's on your mind — especially unfinished to-do's and unresolved issues — just before you go to bed.