Saturday, March 05, 2011

Love Is A Symbol

Readers might have noticed a slight change at this blog a few days back.

I do love my readers. But that love sign? Okay, that was me trying to implement the new Facebook Comments thing for my blog. I obviously did not do it right. Instead of Facebook Comments, I ended up with the love symbol. Enjoy while it lasts.

Facebook Comments To Go: Facebook Nailed It

Going High Tech: Selfish Reasons

BlackBerry Storm SmartphoneImage by liewcf via FlickrOne big reason I want to go super high tech with my microfinance startup is because I want me and my small core corporate team in New York City to be able to see all aspects of all our operations in near real time. I want my lenders - people who might put in that $100, that $200, at no interest - to be able to see much of the action in the field. I want them to experience that last mile as much as possible.

We are in microfinance, we are not in some kind of a data collection business. But I'd want my folks doing the last mile to think we are in a data collection business. People in the last mile collect data. People in the middle mile - us, the corporate team - make sense of that data. People in the first mile - the lenders - get served some of that data in palatable ways.