Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The FoodSpotting Android App Is Here

Image representing Foodspotting as depicted in...Image via CrunchBaseTed Grubb: the man behind the myth.
Spotted Blog: The FoodSpotting Android App Is Here!
Mashable: FoodSpotting Comes To Android
Fred Wilson: Mobile Notifications
TechCrunch: Android Users Get An Official Taste Of Foodspotting Just In Time For SXSW

The iPhone app took FoodSpotting to 600,000 downloads and counting. The recent Instagram integration - Instagram is on its way to overtaking FourSquare and Gowalla combined - is worth at least a million downloads. And this Android app is worth 1.5 million downloads and on.

I say power to the people. Power to the masses.

Now launch a campaign for food trucks that says FoodSpotting Certified!

Scoble, Get Out Of Town