Friday, February 18, 2011

Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, FourSquare, FoodSpotting: Sharks

Image representing Foodspotting as depicted in...Image via CrunchBaseI asked a question at the final event during Social Media Week I attended.

Microsoft tried to buy or bury Google. "My question is for the FourSquare guy. Google tried to buy or bury Facebook. Facebook tried to buy or bury FourSquare." Well, Facebook tried to buy or bury Twitter first. "But FourSquare instead has attempted integration with FoodSpotting. And that is right by the market, right by the consumer, right by FourSquare, and right by FoodSpotting. Where did that wisdom come from? What made you want to do the right thing?"

And yesterday news was that Google was attempting a much deeper integration of Twitter in its search results. Integration is key. Facebook should similarly attempt deep integration with web properties like FoodSpotting. And there are going to be many, many players in that space. FoodSpotting has occupied but one vertical.

MacBook: First Impressions

White MacBook laptopImage via WikipediaIt is cute. The aesthetics are obvious. Somebody put some love into making this thing.

It does not crash. It holds steady.

How do you do right click on this thing? I had to google that up.

How do you take a screen shot? I had to google that up. You actually get to hear the camera click sound.

And the speaker is great. This is a huge differential.

Toshiba Satellite To Macbook To Chrome Notebook