Thursday, February 17, 2011

Toshiba Satellite To Macbook To Chrome Notebook

White MacBook laptopImage via WikipediaOn my grand journey to the Chrome Notebook, I have decided to give the Macbook a try for a few days. Then it is Chrome Notebook all the time for me. The switch is going to be total. There is just something about the Chrome browser.

I am on a Macbook right now. But not for long. My Chrome Notebook is on the way. I have an email directly from Google.

I have a message for you MacBook users. The thing about the Chrome Notebook is you can't buy it out there in the market. It just does not exist. It is too futuristic to hit the ground right now. It is too cutting edge.

You are going to have to wait for about, ummm, six months. Sorry. Life is unfair. You are just going to have to wait. There are some things money can't buy. Right now a Chrome Notebook is one of them.

Barack Is Going To Need Me All Over Again

HONOLULU - DECEMBER 23:   U.S. President-elect...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeBarack is going to need me all over again during his re-election bid, and I am going to be there for him. Barack needed me in his run for the presidency. And he is going to need me all over again. I will be there for him in his hour of need.

I maintain the hunger of someone who was forced to skip the victory parties of June 2008 and November 2008, and felt Inauguration 2009 simply pass him by. I missed the celebrations. I stayed hungry.

I am going to bring that hunger to the table for Barack all over again.