Thursday, January 13, 2011

What Got Me Started With FoodSpotting

It was this comment by Amy. This comment is what got me started with FoodSpotting. I felt compelled to respond to the comment, and the only way you could leave a comment was by creating an account, which was easy to do, took less than 10 seconds, and next thing you know I am on FoodSpotting.

But once I got my account I spent over an hour creating my profile, uploading a picture, browsing around. I discovered I really like dumplings. I can already see why FoodSpotting would make for an intense eating experience.

Future Of The Internet: Easy, Says Dixon

Chris Dixon: Predicting The Future Of The Internet Is Easy: Anything It Hasn't Yet Dramatically Transformed, It Will.: Facebook’s “private” IPO with Goldman Sachs ..... the dot com crash of 2000 disillusioned many .... Already transformed: music, news, advertising, telecom. Being transformed: finance, commerce, TV & movies, real estate, politics & government. Soon to be transformed (among many others): healthcare, education, energy. .... The modern economy runs primarily on information, and the Internet is by orders of magnitude the greatest information mechanism ever invented. ..... People, companies, investors and even countries can’t stop this transformation.
I have ready many blog posts by Chris Dixon, and the content of most of them have been super, but the title of this blog post stands out. This is the best title to a Chris Dixon blog post yet of all I have read yet. It is bold, it is obvious. There is no beating around the bush. It is simple. Simple enough that makes you feel as to why you yourself did not push out that blog post title. You could have had it to your name.

This is Chris Dixon's best blog post of all I have ever read, and I have read a few.