Thursday, January 06, 2011

Apple Is A Cultural Phenomenon

Steve Jobs while presenting the iPad in San Fr...Image via Wikipedia
Fortune: Apple's market cap tops $300 billion: Giving ExxonMobil a run for its money in the race to be the world's most valuable company ..... Apple has been the most valuable tech stock and the world's second most valuable publicly traded company -- after ExxonMobil (XOM) -- since it passed Microsoft (MSFT) last May.
It's astounding as to how far Steve Jobs has brought Apple in a dozen years or so. Apple could very well end up the world's most valuable company. That is just mind boggling.

The iPhone swept the scene. Before that it was the iPod. Wait, Steve first started with the Mac itself. Computers could actually be good looking. He did that. There was a Time or Newsweek cover I remember from years ago that said, iPod, therefore I am.

The iPad has created a whole new class in computing. And the Macbook Air has brought the price point to more achievable levels. The guy creates sleek.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Do You Qro?

Qro is a verb I came up with. I think I am the first person.

If you are active on Quora, you qro. If you are not active, you don't qro.