Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Cross Hudson Subway Would Be Nice

Satellite view of Manhattan.Image via Wikipedia
Bloomberg: Christie Says New York Must Pay First to Add Cross-Hudson Subway Link: a subway link between Secaucus and Manhattan ... a proposed $8.7 billion commuter-rail tunnel linking Newark to New York ..... The conduit was projected to double rush-hour train capacity between the two cities. ..... an alternative, to extend the city’s No. 7 subway line under the Hudson River to northern New Jersey. ..... alternative, projected to cost about $5.3 billion, is better
I never understood why New Jersey needed to be a separate state, or at least northern New Jersey. I think we should let go of upstate and take over northern New Jersey and carve out a state of New York Metro.

A Victory For Larry

Larry Ellison, Welcome Keynote, Oracle OpenWor...Image by yuichi.sakuraba via Flickr
Bloomberg: SAP Must Pay Oracle $1.3 Billion Over Unit's Downloads: the largest jury award of 2010 ..... s the largest ever for copyright infringement and the 23rd-largest of all time for any jury award

Larry asked for two billion. SAP offered 20 million. So Larry upped the ante. He asked for four billion. Looks like he has been awarded close to what he asked for. Asking for two billion and getting 1.3 billion is close.