Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Religion And Globalization Go Together

Cults and new religious movements in literatur...Image via WikipediaThe fluidity of globalization and the internet can lead to feelings of rootlessness. That is where religion comes in. A lot of mobile populations get their sense of belonging from religion. That is the intersection between tech and religion.

Eric Schmidt: The Digital Disruption

Various cell phones displayed at a shop.Image via WikipediaA government that is in a zero sum battle for power with its citizens loses power when citizens get more and more digital, sure. But what if a government defines its "power" in terms of how much empowering it helps bring about for the citizens? Then the more the citizens grab the power digitally, more involved they become, the government in the process will have become more powerful, it will have become a better government, one that delivers more for less. I think we have to choose our words right here. An engaged, informed citizenry will lead to grassroots governance.