Monday, November 08, 2010

The Yipit Iterations, Pivots And Turnaround

Image representing Yipit as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBaseI first visited Vin Vacanti's blog perhaps a year and a half ago. We might have exchanged an email: hello! Back then his blog looked like it got updated once every few months. I had never met him. It was the depth of the recession. Although to a startup that has not made it yet, can look like the curtain is down for no explainable reason.

Event At Hunch: Gender Talk (4)

Hunch better resolutionImage via WikipediaSo I was at this event at the Hunch offices. Chris Dixon was hunched over a computer. Gosh, this was a while back. Grrls In Tech? No, this was Change The Ratio, a different gang.

"I wear the same outfit every day," Fred Wilson said.