Friday, October 22, 2010

Reverend, What Do You Do?

Jesse Jackson Member of Omega Psi Phi Fraterni...Image via Wikipedia
A black comic once asked Jesse Jackson on national television, "But, Reverend, what exactly it is that you do!"
Let me try and answer that question for my well wishers.

Me and my small team are exploring the idea of a microfinance tech startup, one a microfinance junkie currently at Wharton, another a techie. Clean tech, bio tech, nano tech, microfinance: microfinance might be at the bottom of that sexy ladder in some ways, but I believe it is in the same league. It is one of the next big things. And it is very real. Education, health, credit: all of humanity deserves to have access to those three things. The term computer has not meant the same thing year after year, decade after decade. The term microfinance is not stagnant either.

Sleek Data Centers

All Things Digital: Apple Reaching for the Cloud With MacBook Air and N.C. Data Center