Friday, October 15, 2010

Google Car, Google Monorail

Offshoring The Wind Harvesting: Google Wind
Smart Cars Should Talk To Each Other
Robert Scoble's Not Google Car
Self Driving Google Car

This company is going offline, it looks like.

A few problems: for this to be feasible for long distance travel of even a few miles you are going to have to make room for the fact that some people might have mood swings and just stop pedaling half way there, causing traffic jams. Having several tracks might be one way to do it. So when one track jams, you switch traffic to another track. Or having central control so that a stuck "car" is centrally moved with electricity even if the person inside has stopped pedaling.

Got to make room for the human element. The human finds ways to throw a wrench into the cog.

Otherwise the monorail looks like a fantastic idea. Fun, environmentally friendly.

Wait. What about the air inside? How do you maintain the temperature and still make room for the fact that the person inside might want to breathe? You don't want someone to use up all the oxygen inside, and then what?

Looks like there are little holes for air. So it can't be too cold outside, right? Or too hot.

I am mighty impressed with the speed of this thing. The zero carbon promise, and the speed: those might be the two big attractions. And the individualistic bend to having your own little cubicle. I am very interested in the technology behind this.

"The most efficient vehicle on earth," wow. This is like bicycle on steroids. At 70 kilometers per hour, this is practically a car. And, wow, the view you will get to see along the way. It is like there is nothing between you and the landscape. You are floating through the landscape. I can see this being a big hit in all the tourist spots of the world. This could be a great way to watch wild life in Africa, or to gawk at the snow and ice high up in the Himalayas. There though, you might need to carry oxygen tanks.

This feels like ought to be that layer that needs to be added atop all the cities of the world. You buy your monthly metro pass, and you ride these things as much as you want. It is just like a car, minus the hassle. This might do to big city transportation what microfinance has done to poverty in Bangladesh.

50 miles per hour is a car. I could go cross country with this thing. Perhaps there is a room for a hybrid. Bring the smarts of the smart car to this thing, and make "car pooling" possible. You want 100 of these things to move in one rhythm over long distances.
Animation of a spinning bicycle pedalImage via WikipediaThe aerodynamics of this thing is mighty impressive. You spend most of your biking energy fighting the wind, not pedaling the bike, it seems like.

So two or more of these monorail cars can go faster than one? But then how do you avoid the free rider problem? What if I stop pedaling and simply go along for the ride? Again, but that is the human element. That is not a technology issue. The technology of this thing is just fine.

In a smart grid, the best idea could come from anywhere. And now from the part of the world that brought us Google Maps, we get the Google Monorail. Bravo. This thing takes the best of many forms of, perhaps all forms of transportation. This is like flying a small plane. This is like gliding through air. This is like biking on land. This is like riding a train. Air is like water, this is like water transportation. This is like skiing.

If the 21st is going to be a green century - what are the other choices? - then this monorail has a big future.

No traffic lights. Wow. That is like the town I grew up in.

PSFK: Kyle Cameron: Google Explores A Pedal-Powered Public Monorail System: Shweeb is a transportation project that has come out of Google’s Project 10^100 program, where Google solicits and supports ideas that change the world by helping as many people as possible.
I like it that Google is using its surplus money to think outside the box, the box being software. Clean tech is one of the next big things after web technology. Soon enough web tech is going to become utility, it is going to be fundamental, but it is going to recede into the background. Clean tech is a great sector to bet on. The next industrial revolution is going to be clean.

This monorail is a multi billion dollar idea. It deserves to take off like crazy.

Its next incarnation might be a version that is electric powered and weather proof and has two way radio communication. Then we could dream long distances. As long as that electricity is coming from a wind farm, it is still clean. Could you make it much faster then? Could you make the cars bigger? How about 10 people to a car? Then we could have conversation. But then Google has struggled with social.

You don't have to confiscate people's lands to build this thing, or at least not too much of it. Roads ask for land, lots and lots of land.

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Google Under Attack?

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase
ComputerWorld: Google, Facebook battle for 'future of the Web': the biggest threat to Google's search standing yet. ..... Now when someone uses Microsoft's Bing search engine to look for a new car or a book, she can see which ones her Facebook friends liked. It will now be easier for searchers to get their friends' opinions before they make purchasing decisions..... the search giant handled 72.15% of all U.S. searches last month..... "Let's face it, Bing has been a big disappointment, but this could act as a differentiator," said Zeus Kerravala, an analyst at Yankee Group Research. "People prefer Google to Microsoft, but they prefer Facebook to Google. .... For major Facebook users, I believe 'social search' is attractive, and many are likely to switch to Bing for all searches... Not only does [Google] lose users, but they lose young users."
Microsoft did search. It was not a big deal. Then it revamped it and called it Bing, but it's not Google. There was a major marketing push. But I was not alarmed on behalf of Google. When Microsoft got Yahoo to hand over its search queries to Bing, I predicted that would only result in a net loss for Yahoo with no gain for Bing, and so actually a net gain for Google.

But Bing partnering with Facebook is different. I think this story is being reported wrong. This is not Bing teaming up with Facebook. It is the other way round. This is Facebook teaming up with Bing. This is not Bing finally having found that thing with which to compete with Google Search. This is Facebook coming into search territory. This is big.

This is not to suggest Google will now see a decline. Google will keep growing. And Facebook will grow like crazy. This is the internet going much more mainstream. People are spending time on Facebook without taking their eyes off the many Google products.

This is a significant development. This throws further light on Facebook's ambitions, if that was necessary. But this is not necessarily bad news for Google, not big, bad news. This is absolutely not the end of Google.

But I see no reason why Facebook will not offer the same to Google. I mean, if the idea is to become relevant to as many search queries as possible, Google is a bigger bet than Bing. No?

Facebook sees Google as competition, but it does not see Microsoft as competition. That might partly be it. Or maybe even fully.

This just might be the first serious competition Google Search ever faced. Google's best bet is to get Zuck to give them the same deal. That would be a win win for Facebook and Google.

In The News

The Skype Blog: Skype with Facebook integration and group video calling: We’ve integrated the Facebook News Feed and Phonebook into Skype ..... Video calling accounted for approximately 40% of all Skype-to-Skype minutes in the first half of this year

BBC: Google's profits lifted by higher advertising revenues: a 32% rise in profits. .... Our core business grew very well, and our newer businesses - particularly display and mobile - continued to show significant momentum.

Google: Google Announces Third Quarter 2010 Financial Results: Google-owned sites generated revenues of $4.83 billion, or 67% of total revenues ..... Google’s partner sites generated revenues, through AdSense programs, of $2.20 billion, or 30% of total revenues ..... Revenues from outside of the United States totaled $3.77 billion, representing 52% of total revenues

Apple Insider: Google announces $1 billion in mobile revenue: Search queries from mobile devices have grown 5 times over the last couple of years, with most of the queries coming from Android phones ..... Carol Bartz believes iAd will "fall apart" as Apple's high level of control drives away advertisers. Adidas is rumored to have canceled a $10 million iAd contract because Apple had exerted too much control over the process.

Reuters: Google trumps Wall Street targets, shares soar: "This is the best performance they've had in three years. We're back to the old Google we know and love" ..... the $2.5 billion run rate in display advertising was a gross number, meaning that some of that revenue is paid to Google's partners. ..... On Wednesday, Facebook and Microsoft unveiled improvements to Microsoft's Bing search engine that incorporate personalized Facebook data, such as restaurant recommendations from a person's friends, into search results. ..... Google has been on an acquisition spree, buying more than 20 companies in 2010, including several companies that were developing social networking technology. ..... YouTube online video site was now "monetizing" over 2 billion views a week, a rise of 50 percent from a year earlier ..... Google's 9-percent rise in extended trading, to $590, would be the biggest single-day gain since November 2008.

Seattle PI: The Microsoft Blog: Ballmer: Google's ability to monetize search 'surprised me': "Google tends to throw a lot more things against the wall."

Fast Company: Facebook Credits Get More Powerful, Hint at Facebook's Money-Minting Future: Facebook has designs on all sorts of Web-dominating strategies for the future..... Facebook gets a 30% skim off every transaction in Credits .... Credits could almost become a de facto world currency .... Facebook's potential expansions--from music downloads to premium photo sharing--all paid for with Facebook's own virtual currency.

The Bing-Facebook Alliance: Six Things You (and Google) Should Know: the new Bing search features that Microsoft and Facebook unveiled today are going to upend the search business..... Launched a store that no one "Liked?" you’re not going to show up in the search results. .... once you introduce a social dimension to search results, you could actually start representing search results—visually—in new ways .... he said that, ultimately, the company would like to work with all players in search.

For Millennials, Brands May Be as Important as Religion, Ethnicity: Millennials--the generation born between 1980 and 1995--relate to brands in deep and complicated ways .... Edelman, the world's largest PR firm. .... Volunteering to try new products and review some of them online is a "core value," according to Edelman .... the majority of those surveyed had recommended products to friends and family via a social network

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