Saturday, October 09, 2010

Arugula And Location Patents

Arugula, the aromatic salad green. Also known as rocket, roquette, rugula and rucola, and is popular in Italian cuisine.
Presidential candidate Barack Obama said arugula on the campaign trail and people were left scratching their heads. Arugula who?

Facebook's Location Patent

And now we learn the Einsteins at the patent office have granted not one but two location patents. In this land of plenty. I would not be surprised if Gowalla has the third one. If not why has FourSquare bothered competing with that little nuisance in the first place? Why not simply go ahead and sue like every big company seems to be doing to every other big company back there in Silicon Valley? With the exception of Larry Ellison. Larry is into fist fights. (Putting My Money On Larry Ellison)

TechCrunch: Oops! That Facebook Location Patent Forgot To Mention Crowley’s Earlier Dodgeball Patent
PC Magazine: Skyhook Sues Google in Location Patent, Contract Dispute
The Tech Herald: Motorola targets Apple across 18 patent violations

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Did New York City Just Buy TechCrunch? I Think We Did

Image representing TechCrunch as depicted in C...Image via CrunchBaseThis is more than putting a few million dollars into Mike Arrington's pocket. The bad boy of Silicon Valley is going to be keep being the bad boy of Silicon Valley, but now he is bought.

"All your chats are belong to me," the Russian founder of Chatroulette said at one point. Well, Mikie, all your blog posts now belong to us. We are New York City. We own TechCrunch now.

Mashable was already here. Now we got TechCrunch. What's left? (Mike Arrington's Big Day)

We should let Larry and his boys out there in Silicon Valley duke it out with hardware. Let's not get into hardware. (Putting My Money On Larry Ellison)

New York City has the lead on the mobile web and we need to keep that and grow that. Web services have gone global by now, and that is swell, but that is another soccer field we can keep munching on.

Facebook's Location Patent

New York City is number two right now. Silicon Valley is number one. What will it take to become number one? We just bought TechCrunch. Hell, ya!

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