Monday, October 04, 2010

Alexa Hirschfeld: CNN 2010 Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs

CNN Money: the most innovative, ground-breaking, game-changing female entrepreneurs in the U.S.--business builders who might be Fortune Most Powerful Women someday. .... media pioneers and bioengineers and a variety of innovators in between.
I met Alexa for the first time during Social Media Week. (Social Media Week: The Best NY Tech MeetUp Ever) That was back in February. She sat on a Neha Chauhan (Women In Tech-Media Event At JP Morgan: Internet Week) panel that I declared the best panel of the week of all that I went to. I also met Alexa briefly during a NY Tech MeetUp after party a few months ago when she was floating around the room looking for a VentureBeat writer. She talked about a blog post of mine: Farmville Farmer's Market: My Idea. It is now so very good to see Alexa on CNN listed among the "2010 Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs."

It is good to be mentioned on CNN, but I disapprove of the condescending tone in parts of the article.
The 2010 Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs are not necessarily building the next Starbucks (SBUX) or Netflix (NFLX) or Apple (AAPL).
When was the last time Patricia Sellers created a company? (FoodSpotting Is The Next FourSquare)

Alexa is one of the younger names on the list.
How My Grandfather Became Mayor The First Time
ANTA Convention: Emotional Bath

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Alexa Hirschfeld | Facebook
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Google TV: Much Talk

I go to Tumblr like some people go to their TV sets. I don't own a TV, never have. I follow about 90 techies on Tumblr. Other than that this blog of mine feeds directly into my Tumblr blog, I mostly just reblog at Tumblr. Following me on Tumblr is as good as following 90 people. I perform an editorial function mostly.

And today there is enormous buzz on Tumblr around Google TV. I have more questions than answers on the topic. I don't fully get it. I have not read up on it much. But the buzz is unavoidable.

I just want faster brodband when it comes to online video. My idea of a TV-internet merger is one where the TV simply disappears. But Google seems to think different.

By the way it was on Tumblr that I came across the Eminem video above. It is a work of art.

Official Google Blog: Here comes Google TV

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