Thursday, July 15, 2010

Darren Rowse's Seven Links Challenge

Image representing FeedBurner as depicted in C...Image via CrunchBase
Take the 7 Link Challenge Today #7links
  1. My first post: When Web Hosting Is No Longer A Problem
    This is me celebrating the new, free Blogger platform.
  2. A post I enjoyed writing the most: Social Media Week: The Best NY Tech MeetUp Ever
    I have received so much positive comments from people I know about this one.
  3. A post which had a great discussion: Online Dating Newsflash: Race And Religion Matter
    This is just Alex and me talking. But the talk went on and on.
  4. A post on someone else’s blog that I wish you’d written:
    How I Make Money Blogging: Income Split for June 2010
    Darren Rowse makes it look so easy. Just jack up the traffic and run Google ads. His Feedburner count is at 140K, mine is at 2K.
  5. My most helpful post: Could 2011 Be Venmo's Year?
    The founders of Venmo really appreciated this. I touched lives with this post.
  6. A post with a title that I am proud of: Me @ BBC
    This is me hitting the big leagues.
  7. A post that I wish more people had read: To Iran, With Love (3)
    Darren, I think you should help me with this fundraising. It is a good cause. You should help me with this because you are the top pro blogger on the planet, and I am the top blogger in terms what big stuff I have been able to do politically through the blogging medium. What I did for Nepal, I want to do for Iran. I want you to take the lead on this fundraising.
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Traffic: Canada Top Country, 2 AM Peak

Image of Dario Meli from TwitterImage of Dario Meli
Now I remember why I disabled Google Analytics for this blog months back: you keep wanting to go back to check the latest numbers.

Blogger Stats

For the past week Canada has been my top country, it has given me 50% more traffic than the US. Go figure.

There is a peak for 2 AM on July 13 for the week. I thought that might be India. Nope. It's Canada. Might those be college students pulling all nighters? Toronto? Hello there. Thanks for dropping by.

@quikness might appreciate my Canada popularity.

This has been my top post this past week: Brazil.

What Just Happened? 3,000 Page Hits

Given enough page hits, I could do this near full time while I wait to launch my company. That would be swell. Would be a great way to prepare for a company launch. Somebody once said blogging is like graduate school seminar. It can be. It can be many other things as well.

Blogging falls in the mind food domain.
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