Saturday, June 19, 2010

Towards Threaded Conversations On Twitter

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
On Thursday I put out this blog post: Twitter: The Obvious Missing Features.
When someone replies to one of my tweets, I should not have to right click and open up a new tab with that tweet of mine to figure out what exactly that person replied to.
On Friday TechCrunch put out this blog post: Might Threaded Conversations Be Coming To Twitter?
one area that’s still lacking is a good way to view conversations. Clicking on the “in reply to” links is tedious for long conversations. ..... Twitoaster’s speciality was the threaded conversation view it gave to tweets. ...... Another key focus of Twitoaster is tweet archiving. That’s another feature Twitter could definitely improve upon. Currently, thanks to Twitter’s search limitations, once a tweet is a couple of months old, it’s basically lost in the ether. If Twitter had a better archiving mechanism for old tweets, it could extend the life of them, and make them much more useful.
Saturday, Twitoaster's Blog: I'm Going To Work At Twitter
and it’s going to be awesome at Twitter! :)
It is a good feeling. I call it my vision resonance. If I am not the one being read, I am in tune. This reminds me of when TechCrunch, several months back, published many private documents of Twitter. Twitter had its own iPhone 4 moment. One of the things that emerged from all that was that the Twitter team was talking about "a billion people on Twitter" around the same time I was talking about a billion people on Twitter at this blog. That was a good feeling. I felt like I had vision resonance.

April 2009: A Billion People On Twitter

I am really good at the vision thing, aren't I?
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Thursday, June 17, 2010

How To Monetize Tumblr?

Image representing Tumblr as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase
David Karp is a New Yorker I hope to meet in person at some point, I am sure we will. We know too many people between us, the biggest being Fred Wilson himself. Wilson relishes Karp the way a VC ought to relish an entrepreneur.

A few months back - and if it has been less than that sorry, I have been on internet time, time moves faster online - when Tumblr raised its newest round of money, there was some talk from various quarters on the topic. I meant to read up on those thoughts and share my own thoughts in a blog post, and I just never got around to, I am doing now. But I have not had the chance to read those thoughts. That probably is a good thing for this blog post.

Google could not have done what Yahoo was doing really well: banner ads. Google came up with its own ad platform that spoke to the Google Search experience, and Google hit the jackpot with it. Similarly Facebook could not have done what Google did. (Facebook's Ad Space Is Different) Ads on Facebook needed to be able to climb the maze of people's social graphs. Social gaming needed a newer ad platform.

The Highlight Of My Internet Week
Anu Shukla Has Found The New Frontier In Advertising

Look at how Twitter is rolling out its monetization efforts. They have introduced the concept of resonance.

The lesson from all these examples is that the monetization of Tumblr has to be unique to the Tumblr experience. And the Tumblr experience is different from the Twitter experience, it is different from the Facebook experience, it is different from the Wordpress/Blogger experience.

So what exactly is the Tumblr experience. Define. Then monetize.

An obvious thing would be to allow businesses to set up tumblogs: paid Tumblr accounts. They can run campaigns on their own outside of Tumblr to get people to show up on their tumblogs and to follow them on their own. It would be like people doling out their Twitter handles on non Twitter platforms. But if people are spending money on the Google platform to get people to their tumblogs, that is money that should have been Tumblr's. So.

You should be able to create a paid account for your business on Tumblr. And Tumblr should landgrab a small box on the top right of all tumblogs. Paid accounts would have the option to get their specific tumblogs or Tumblr posts listed there for money.

So I just put out a post about smartphones at my tumblog, maybe I will see an ad for smartphones.

And for a higher price tumblog posts that are clearly labeled Sponsored should be allowed to enter streams. This could get controversial. But there is the Twitter option where you only enter the steam when people actively search for certain terms.

Just like an ad on Twitter has to take the form of a tweet, an ad on Tumblr has to look like a tumblog post. And those posts have to compete. If you are not getting clicked upon, you are not being liked and reblogged, you lose your place in the stream, money could not get you back in. What's that word again? Resonance?

Advertising on Tumblr has to be in tune with the Tumblr experience.

Another way - perhaps a better way - would be to get the users of Tumblr to strive to earn badges and have each such badge sponsored by a major brand name. So if you can get 100 people to follow you on Tumblr, you earn the T100 badge sponsored by Ben & Jerry. Both the badge and the sponsor's logo get shown on your tumblog. The logo links to the sponsor's tumblog.

A third way would be to allow Tumblr users to buy virtual money at Tumblr with which they can buy each other gifts. You pay real money for fake money with which you buy gifts. Tumblr is the one you pay. Tumblr makes money. Get it?

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