Friday, June 11, 2010

Employment Authorization Card: It's Here

So my Employment Authorization Card arrived earlier today in the mail. What that means in my case is I can't go anywhere outside America for the next year. As a practical matter, I don't see me going anywhere outside New York City. There is so much to explore right here.

But ultimately I do want to have been to all parts of the world just like I have been to all parts of America. I got time. I plan on staying thin.  

Then I show up in immigration court in June 2011 and hopefully the judge waves a magic wand and turns that piece of paper into a green card. Then I become eligible for entrepreneurship. Before that I get to blog about it.

The next best thing to entrepreneurship is joining a small, early stage team. You can not be the founder, but you sure can be a founding member.

There has been more drama behind this little piece of paper than I would have liked. But I am glad to have it in my hand. Now let's go get a job.

"I will prepare and perhaps my time will come."
- Abraham Lincoln

Lady Liberty Whispers
Immigration Status
Job Search
June 3 Immigration Court Date
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The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
World Cup 2010: Into Africa - Two Teams, One Cup
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Internet Week: Going To Three Events So Far

World Cup party
Saturday, June 12, 2010 from 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM (ET)
The Parlour Bar
250 West 86th Street (at Broadway)
New York, NY 10024