Saturday, June 05, 2010

Naveen Selvadurai, Vin Vacanti

Lean Startup Meetup - 17 May 2010 - Pt.3 from Rose Tech on Vimeo.

Lean Startup Meetup - 17 May 2010 - Pt.2 from Rose Tech on Vimeo.

Lean Startup Meetup - 17 May 2010 - Pt.1 from Rose Tech on Vimeo.

Slow Gmail: Short Term Help

Image representing Gmail as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBase
  • Disable all Gmail Labs features.
  • Disable Buzz.
  • Don't use add on features provided by outside parties, however attractive.
  • Stay within 10% of the free space Gmail gives you. There is no such thing as free lunch.
  • Learn to use keyboard shortcuts.
    • c compose
    • r reply
    • a reply all
    • f forward
    • ctrl s save draft
    • v move to
    • tab enter = send
    • g i = to inbox
    • ? all shortcut keys in one place
Slow Gmail
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