Saturday, June 05, 2010

Slow Gmail: Short Term Help

Image representing Gmail as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBase
  • Disable all Gmail Labs features.
  • Disable Buzz.
  • Don't use add on features provided by outside parties, however attractive.
  • Stay within 10% of the free space Gmail gives you. There is no such thing as free lunch.
  • Learn to use keyboard shortcuts.
    • c compose
    • r reply
    • a reply all
    • f forward
    • ctrl s save draft
    • v move to
    • tab enter = send
    • g i = to inbox
    • ? all shortcut keys in one place
Slow Gmail
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Slow Gmail

Wikibooks-GmailImage via Wikipedia
And I have been quietly thinking, it can't be Google, it has to be me, maybe I need to buy me a new laptop. Ends up it is Google. Gmail has been slow.

Fred Wilson: Gmail Performance Issues
I thought my issues were my own...... I suffered in silence.
Gabriel Weinberg: Gmail Has Become Unusably Slow
Gmail has gotten slower and slower for me, and as of the last few weeks it has become unusably slow. Before you ask, yes, I've tried it across lots of browsers and computers. ...... Update 3: Google reached out to me and "fixed" my account. Here is what they said.
Gabriel Weinberg: My Gmail Is Fast Again
Hacker News
TechCrunch: For Power Users, Gmail Set To Get Up To Speed slowness is really only an issue for power users of the service — those with hundreds of thousands or even millions of messages.
I am also raising my hand for the treatment, but I am not optimistic about it. My post is not about to get picked up by the New York Times, I don't think so. But Fred Wilson might have better luck. He has a much wider readership.

I Talked To Google Through Twitter And It Worked Like Magic

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