Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why Will Facebook Itself Not Do Facebook Enterprise?

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase
Fred Wilson: Software Is Media

Why will Facebook itself not do Facebook Enterprise? That is a question I have asked a few different times. The Salesforce guy had a guest post in TechCrunch not long back. A friend of mine emailed me that post through Google Reader. (Ignite, Set It On Fire) And I posed him the question on Buzz. Why will Facebook itself not do Facebook Enterprise?

The dichotomy between consumer software and enterprise software is vapid. It is unreal. It is an inconvenience that ought not last too long.

In his post today Fred Wilson is making the point that software should be as easy to use as media. He has not quite spelled it out, but I don't think he is trying to say he is only talking about consumer software. Software should be as easy to use as media also applies to enterprise software.

Salesforce trying to imitate Facebook to offer enterprise software: is that better than Facebook itself offering an enterprise version of itself? I don't think so.

The inbox was not copyrighted by Hotmail. The status update has not been copyrighted by Twitter. Similarly the stream is not Facebook property. Check in is similarly going to be a commodity feature.

Twitter should offer a Twitter Enterprise, and Facebook should work on a Facebook Enterprise. It just makes sense.

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Twitter Has To Scale The Signals

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
Twitter Does The Deed: Ads
Twitter Acquires Tweetie: The Drama
Twitter Need Get Work Done
Twitter Needs To Eat Into Its Ecosystem

If I have five friends, and all of them are on Facebook and all of them have my number, and we party every other week, we are talking. But what if I have 500 friends? What if I have five friends and 5,000 fans? What if I have two friends and 20,000 online contacts? What if I am being followed by 50,000 people? What if I end up with five million followers?

Twitter has to make sure that at no point do the signals turn into noise for me. At no point should I get overwhelmed. I might have 500,000 followers, and if all of them tweet me, I should still be able to hear what they are saying. (Twitter Visualization: Reading Many Tweets At Once)

The power users will tell you, if you really want to make the best of Twitter, you got to wade into the ecosystem and find all the right apps for you. I am cool with that suggestion, but Twitter should not be. If Twitter envisions a billion users, as it should (Goal: A Billion People On Twitter April 2009) - heck, I think Twitter could beat Facebook to that magic number, but not the Twitter of today - then Twitter has to make sure all the action is at Twitter bought Summize, Twitter bought Tweetie, it could easily buy 20 more such companies today. Buy or build, buy or build, buy or build.

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