Thursday, March 18, 2010

Broader Broadband

Fred Wilson: The National Broadband Plan

My comment to Fred's post that I left at his blog: Of all the blog posts I ever read at this blog, and I have read my share, this post really stands out for me. This topic gets me like nothing else in computing.

"....another 500mhz of hiqh quality spectrum to be used for "terrestrial broadband services" over the next decade...."

This is miserly. This is not going to cut it. TV needs to take second place to broadband. This is not some tertiary concern. This is the number one - Numero Uno - thing America needs to do to become a post-industrial, information age economy. The government just needs to get out of the way. The government selling that spectrum space to a handful of old companies is the government getting in the way. The American people need to revolt like they revolted against the British.

The nastiest part of that phrase is "over a decade. This has to happen in 2010, not in 2020. The jobs are needed now, "look around."

Broad Broadband
Silicon Valley Vs. New York City
Fred Wilson's Insight

John Chambers: Why America Needs A National Broadband Plan
betanews: FCC: Wireless Spectrum 10X More Valuable For Wireless Broadband Than For TV
Steve Cheney: Why Google Broadband Finally Makes Sense
CNet: TV Broadcasters Prepare For Spectrum Battle

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Bollywood Needs To Conquer

New York Times: Bollywood Soars Toward Hollywood: Indian cinema has an annual estimated audience of over three billion worldwide. South Asians are avid consumers, as are viewers in countries as varied as Germany, Malaysia and South Korea.
Pictured above, Amitabh Bachchan, the most recognized face on the planet.

Indian cinema went global long before Indian technology did. It is only a matter of time before Indian cinema cracks open the US market as well. It will be less a feeling of conquest, and more of globalization, of cross-pollination. It is a good idea for Hollywood to go to India, and for Bollywood to come to America.

Pictured below, me during my high school days and after, imitating Amitabh's hairstyle.

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