Monday, March 15, 2010

AnyClip Is Live Now

Sex scene from A Boy and His Dog

I just received an email: is now live. Nate (@innonate) and his team must be proud. A lot of people know Nate as the guy who runs the NY Tech MeetUp. But he is at heart an entrepreneur with one foot clearly in the venture capital world. The NY Tech MeetUp podium just helps him dig deep into those two worlds. What I personally find most appealing about him is his strong belief that New York City can make it on the tech map of the world. (The State Of New York Technology) It also helps that we are both hard core Barack people. (Reshma For Congress)

I enjoy movies. I like watching clips from here and there. This site looks custom made for someone like me. I hope they keep adding movies to their database.

I have been pushing for Morgan Grice to be part of the AnyClip team. I think she has watched every movie made in the past 50 years, and she was Editorial Chair of The Harvard Crimson. She is not a coder, but AnyClip has plenty of those. I doubt she is outmatched in movie passion by anyone currently on the AnyClip team.

The site is in beta. It will go through a few iterations. A welcome jack up in traffic is going to create obvious server issues, for one.

One strong point AnyClip has is this is not a startup hoping to monetize at some future date. It is already closely integrated with Netflix and Amazon. It is a good idea to have a business model from day one.

Nate, my man, you are going places.

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Tumblr: Casey, Nina, David, Fred

Casey got me started with Tumblr. I got back home from her panel discussion during Social Media Week (Social Media Week: The Best NY Tech MeetUp Ever) to sign up for Tumblr, and I realized I had already signed up a long ago, but I had not been active. I became active. I started following people. That is my LinkedIn story as well. I signed up as soon as they launched because I read up on them in the news, but tidied up my LinkedIn page only late last year.

Then I came across Nina at Scoble's blog. And I started following her. She shares some of the very best pictures I ever saw online. Pictures she shares tend to be out of the box thinking type. I reblog her so often. I am going to do a blog post about her TED notes, which is how I found her the first time.

I discovered the founder of Tumblr himself, David. The guy has an amazing, amazing sense of humor, and it is fairly consistent.

A little later I found Fred on Tumblr. (Fred Wilson's Insight) Ends up the guy is a major music man. I think I need some help from him to go beyond the obvious names like U2, Madonna, Bob Marley, Nirvana and such. For the longest time I have stayed with mainstream pop. One layer below lies so much richness. Several layers below lies indie music. I left Nepal for America in 1996. That Fredspace occupied by one layer below stuff, for me that has been all the Hindi film music to when I left Nepal.

I use Twitter to broadcast, Facebook to connect, and Buzz/Tumblr to listen. But my blog remains my favorite social media platform. I feed it into my Twitter, Facebook, Buzz and Tumblr accounts. I like the idea of this big, blank white space that I have to fill up. I am wordy, I am linky. I like to pack it up with pictures and videos on top of the words and links. I am long form, if you will. I only jumped onto the Twitter bandwagon after I realized 140 characters involve links. (My Relationship With Ashton Kutcher) And I jumped with gusto. I am one of the top 100 people in NYC on Twitter.

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