Wednesday, December 30, 2009

123Print: Business Cards

Realize Business CardsImage by Thomas Rockstar via Flickr

If it is time for you get a new set of business cards, go to The site can be very helpful for your business card design.

Somethings don't go away, like business cards for example. The difference between making and not making a contact could be the difference between deal or no deal. Is your business card at hand?

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Has Your Debt Run Amok?

WASHINGTON - MARCH 26:  U.S. Secretary of the ...Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Don't get embarrassed if it has. Get help. Get your debt under control through consolidation services. Get help from those who are good at the fine art of debt negotiation. Sometimes debt consolidation can be a slippery slope that makes things worse for you. Don't fall into that trap.

But it can be done right. And it is also the right thing to do to repair your credit. Otherwise you keep working for money instead of making the money work for you.

These are hard times. Take the effort to make the right choices.

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