Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Droid Does

Mashable story: TIME Names Gadget of the Year: Droid

Verizon Droid competes with the iPhone and Amazon's Kindle faces competition in the Barnes Noble product. For now the newcomers seem to have the buzz. Mashable thinks iPhone is the superior phone. TechCrunch thinks it is Droid. My bias is for Droid. I have a feeling the iPhone is the Mac and the Droid is the PC, poised for a wider adoption. We will see. 

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Monday, December 07, 2009

Google Wave For The Masses

Image representing Google Wave as depicted in ...Image via CrunchBase
Mashable just broke story saying Google Wave has now a million members and many more invites are being sent out. I say about time. Google Wave is not a whole lot of fun if all or most of your friends are not on it.

So far I have used it with very few people, very few times, and all I have done is have instant messenger like short conversations. So far I have not used the multimedia features or the document collaboration features. Or how about publishing a wave as a blog post? I think I would like that greatly.

Google Wave needs to be scaled and fast. Go for the masses. It is gift giving time.

 I Now Have Google Wave
Anil Dash On Google Wave
Bill Gates, Chrome OS, Natal, Wave
Blog Carnival: Google Wave
Google Wave API Google Group: Got To Undo The Ban On Me
Google Wave Protest
Google Wave API Google Group: Stalinist Mindset
The Google Wave Developer Community Will Be Vibrant
Five Blind Men And Google Wave
A Little Trouble At The Google Wave API Google Group
Lessons From The Open Source Community For The Wave Community
Google Wave Developer Community: Asking For A Culture?
Google Wave: Organizations Will Go Topsy Turvy
Google Wave: Enormous Buzz
Possible Google Wave Applications And Innovations
Google Wave Architecture: Designed For Mass, Massive, Global Innovation
The Google Wave Architecture
Google Wave Ripples
Is Google Wave Social Enough To Challenge Facebook, Twitter?
Of Waves And Tsunamis
Google WaveImage via Wikipedia
Google Wave: Wave Of The Future?
Google Wave: If Email Were Invented Today

Google Wave Developer Blog

Google Wave API Articles: Extensions Debugging & Robot-to-Gadget Communication
You got questions? We've got answers!
Upcoming US Events with Google Wave Presentations Federate This
Happy Hallo-Wave-een!
Google Wave is headed to Europe: Join us!
Google Wave at GTUG London: Monday, October 26
Google Wave Samples Gallery: Best Practices & New Features
What happened in the Wave sandbox
Google Wave in Internet Explorer
Google Wave Extension Updates
Google Wave API Hackathon & Federation Day: Videos Available Now!
Tweety Sample Improved with OAuth Support
Prototyping a Drupal Module for Google Wave
Google Wave Community Events
Google Wave Federation Protocol and Open Source Updates
Google Wave: Updates from today's hackathon
Google Wave Sandbox Update
Google Wave API Presentations: Now Online
Google Wave Hackathon and Federation Day: July 20, 21 in Mountain View
Share Your Work in the Wave Samples Gallery
TwilioBot: Bringing Phone Conversations into Waves
1 Wave Sandbox, 5 Hours, 17 Awesome Demos
The Making of the Sudoku Gadget
Google Wave API Office Hours
Google Wave team heads to Google Developer Days in Asia
Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?

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