Wednesday, December 02, 2009

A 640 BC one-third stater coin from Lydia, sho...Image via Wikipedia helps you finance your business. Credit is not easy coming by. That is where comes in. This is not easy money, this is not free money. But when your business could really use some cash, and that cash is not coming the usual routes, and you have been knocking on the doors of banks without much success, that is where will step in and make sense. But you better have a plan for that money. You better grow it right. Or you could get thrown off balance. They can take as much as 10% of the money they might find for you. That is the kind of price you have to be willing to pay for credit not so easily obtained. But if you know what to do with the other 90%, you should get going. does unsecured financing.
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Elgg: A Job Marketplace

Overlap-between-business-designImage by Alex Osterwalder via Flickr
Elgg is a job marketplace. If you are looking for top designers, coders and talented techies in general, dig deep at Elgg Exchange. This is the go to place to find Elgg developers.

Too many job sites out there are too general. You post a job and you collect resumes like you might have collected stamps as a kid. It is often a deluge. Instead of finding someone to do your job, you get a job, the job to plough through an endless stream of irrelevant resumes.

Egg Exchange is much more specific. The site attracts top talent, developers who value "beautiful design, beautiful code, high standards." The site lists about 100 jobs at any one time. So it works great for those looking for jobs as well. It is not a flood. It just helps you make an informed decision. If you are in the niche, you should not have to look around too hard.

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