Saturday, November 14, 2009

Deindexing Murdoch

  • For Murdoch to deindex from Google and to ask Bing to pay to be able to index, that goes against the basic ethos of the internet. This goes against the spirit of Net neutrality
  • Google paying to Twitter is not the same thing. Because Twitter does real time search, Google does not do real time search, so Google pays Twitter to be able to offer real time search.
  • For the media companies to start playing this indexing, deindexing game would be problematic. Instead of the move resuscitating the old media empires, it might be a huge bonanza to the blogosphere.
  • In short, the deindexing move would be an act of self-destruction on the part of old media.
Murdoch's Google Gambit - The Opinionator Blog - 
Google, Murdoch, Madoff « blog maverick
Murdoch: Google? We don't need no stinkin' Google | Blog ... 
Suddenly Murdoch is a Real Threat to Google? 
Is Murdoch Handing Google a Ransom Note? « J. Nelson Leith 
Rupert Murdoch Plans To Hide His Sites From Google, The World ... 
Google Boycott Would Only Cost Murdoch About 10%-15% Of Revenue ... 
Baron von Tollbooth: Murdoch, Google and money 
Google to Murdoch: Whatever, Dude - Rupert Murdoch - Gizmodo 

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Short Task

Working from HomeImage by edgeplot via Flickr
Short Task Review: Short Task is a website that is a meeting ground for individuals and companies that want short tasks done, and those who are eager to do those tasks. Such short tasks are great for those who like to work from home.
These are not enormous projects. For that there are other websites available. This site is specifically for bite size tasks. Seekers, as they are called at the site, want work done. Solvers get the work done. 

This is a skilled, virtual workforce that tackles the tasks that get listed. The site is high on innovation and does a good job of allowing Solvers/Seekers to handle their tasks. 

Research, Data Entry, Writing and Design are some of the broad categories of tasks. There are numerous subcategories.

This site is a great marketplace and deserves to grow leaps and bounds. The site offers 21st century style work for the knowledge workers who can and should be able to work from anywhere. That way it is rather futuristic.
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