Tuesday, November 10, 2009

C++ plus Python = Google GO

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase
Why was this not talked about before Google actually did it? I am surprised Mashable and TechCrunch have the story, but it is not yet out there on the official Google blog.

Let the guessing game begin. What will be the next big thing Google will do? As big as a new programming language, as big as a new operating system.

To launch a new programming language is a big deal. This is like when Sun came up with Java.

Google Open Source Blog: Ho! Ho! Let's Go!

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Camelback Displays: Every Type Of Portable Display

Every type of portable display under the sun, that's the idea.
Aren't you glad every type of portable display under the sun is all under one roof? Does that not make your life easier? Camelback Displays got your back alright.

By the time you have made your purchases you will realize there are many, many different ways of putting together your displays to have the maximum impact on your audience. Many permutations and combinations can be imagined. But not before you have made your basic purchases of the essential display items.