Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Fun Holiday Eyeglasses From Zenni

Remember Zenni Optical during this holiday season when you are shopping around for glasses for your children. Do you have children who wear glasses? Do they sometimes break them or lose them? Or perhaps even often? Does that end up costing you a lot of money? Are you looking to be able to afford ($8 Prescription Zenni Glasses) fashionable glasses for your children?

Hackers/Founders MeetUp: Last Thursday Each Month

I met the Norwegian Sindre Aarsaether at the last NY Tech MeetUp. He put an invite to the Hackers/Founders MeetUp on my Facebook wall. I signed up, I showed up. This was only the sixth Hackers/Founders MeetUp in New York. It has been growing fast. They are not listed on MeetUp.com, or at least the New York one is not. And it is curious they do it on the last Thursday of each month. The NY Tech MeetUp is on the first Tuesday of each month. I felt a sense of competition. But that does not apply to me. To me the two add to each other. The NY Tech MeetUp's biggest down point is that it collects 500 wonderful people in a room and lets them go to waste. Perhaps it is too big, but I have always wondered about the others in the room. At the Hackers/Founders MeetUp all the people that show up are the attraction. There is no other attraction. I guess you can argue the NY Tech MeetUp tries to get some of that at the after party, but my experience has been most people prefer to skip the after party.

Hackers and Founders (Mountain View, CA) - Meetup.com
Anyvite | Hackers Founders NYC Meetup #4
Anyvite | Hackers Founders NYC Meetup #1

Image representing Hacker News as depicted in ...Image via CrunchBase
Hacker News | Tell HN NYC: Hackers Founders Meetup #4 at Stand...
Hacker News | Tell HN NYC: Hackers Founders Meetup next Thursday ...
Tell HN NYC: Hackers Founders NYC Meetup #5, 9/24 at Stand ...
Hacker meetup #2 – photos « Songkick Blog
Twitter / Hackers and Founders: If there are any startups ...
Anyvite | Hackers Founders NYC Meetup #5

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