Sunday, July 19, 2009

Twitter, TechCrunch, And The Stolen Docs

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

Monetizing Twitter: A Few Ideas Netizen June 2009
Goal: A Billion People On Twitter Netizen April 2009
Fred Wilson

Twitter’s Internal Strategy Laid Bare: To Be “The Pulse Of The Planet” TechCrunch the dedication and deep commitment of this team to making Twitter into a world-class company ....... a key strategy meeting which took place on February 25, 2009. One of the audacious goals laid out in the notes of the strategy meeting is for Twitter to become the first Web service to reach one billion users ....... more of a “nervous system” than an alert system. ........ the strategic thinking of the company just before it entered its current phase of hypergrowth. ....... Much of the discussion at Twitter meetings throughout the past six months revolved around dealing with Google and Facebook. ......... a new Terms of Service agreement which will launch in conjunction with new APIs. These will determine what kind of

Marissa MayerImage via Wikipedia

commercial messages Twitter will have rights to monetize via ads. Twitter wants to “take a far reaching license to the content, with two exceptions (endorsement, content profit), and no opt-out.” Twitter also talked about making its API license “more throttled than ToS.”......... “Diddy values his contribution higher than we do” ......... Google product chief Marissa Mayer was a “huge distraction” who kept asking for stats on Twitter’s growth. ....... Despite the interest and attention, all the Twitter management really seemed to want was to be left alone, even by its own board members. In a May 7 meeting, they talk about how to put off informational meetings in a nice way: “How do we communicate to the Board (and investors) to back off.” ........... Some stabs at defining the company’s mission included “Twitter is for discovering and sharing what is happening right now,” and “Twitter makes you smarter, faster, more efficient and more powerful.” ......... one portion of the meeting devoted to discussing “How could Facebook kill us?” ........ going from 25 million users at the end of 2009 to one billion in 2013, with a user being defined as a “unique individual having a conscious twitter experience in a given week.” ....... future revenue models, starting with verified commercial accounts, which is described as the “fastest way to make money without putting a whole organization behind it.” Another benefit to targeting corporate and celebrity users: “Charging more to fewer users is a good model.” .......... Search/Content Ads (with heavy users of the search API being required to run ads), Sponsored Tweets, “Adsense Widgets” (presumably Twitter ads which can run on other sites like Google’s AdSense, and in other apps) and payments. ........ “Free phones preloaded with twitter,” “TV twitter,” “Kindle,” “Radio,” “Dell, build it into,” videogame consoles, Website widgets, IM networks, and PCs. They also realize the “cost would kill us if we had a billion users tomorrow.” ........ “feeds are not unique content.” ....... Google’s blog search team was scraping Twitter’s site and getting only “60-70% of updates.” They wanted Twitter to

Image representing TechCrunch as depicted in C...Image via CrunchBase

hurry up with its Hosebird API so that they could start indexing every Tweet. The plan was to “include microblog content on .......... “Why did we start talking to Microsoft in the first place”? .......... “Twitpic- To buy or not to buy (1).” They decided not to
Twitter’s Financial Forecast Shows First Revenue In Q3, 1 billion users in 2013 TechCrunch Q3 2009 (which is now). A modest $400,000 was expected, followed by a more robust $4 million in Q4. ....... Twitter’s projected user growth (25 million by the end of 2009), which it has absolutely blown through already. By the end of 2010, Twitter expected to be at a $140 million revenue run rate. ........ the numbers they were targeting for the end of 2013: 1 billion users, $1.54 billion in revenue, 5,200 employees and $1.1 billion in net earnings.
The Anatomy Of The Twitter Attack

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

If Execution Is What Matters, Where Does That Leave Ideas? TechCrunch

Stream 2.0: The Next Big Thing? Netizen (April 2009)
Google Wave: If Email Were Invented Today Netizen (May 2009)

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Blog Carnival: Google Wave

July: Netizen Blog Carnival Month
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  2. Blog Carnival: Wimax
  3. Blog Carnival: Cheap Laptops
  4. Blog Carnival: Microfinance
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  6. Blog Carnival: Google
  7. Blog Carnival: Google (2)
  8. Blog Carnival: Bill Gates, Chrome OS
Google Wave

Google Wave Ubuntu? « Shane Fagan's Blog
Google Wave Developer Blog: Google Wave Sandbox Update
Official Google Blog: Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.
Dataplex Systems Ltd: Google Wave - The next big thing in Online ...
Google Wave… | London Life, Rat Race, Interweb Escape
Is Google Wave Good News or Bad News for Carriers? - GLG News
Introduction ‎(Google Wave Federation Protocol)‎
ZenBe releases Shareflow, seems similar to Google Wave ...
Twilio at Google Wave Hack-a-thon 2009
Google Wave

Google Wave: A Complete Guide
Google Wave API Overview - DogEar
Replay a Topic (or "Stealing ideas from Google Wave")
Carsonified » Six Ways that Google Wave is Going to Change Your ...
Google Reader Social Update, A Step Towards Google Wave ...
Google Wave Hackathon - July 20th & 21st | Android Phone Fans
Google Wave Sandbox Accounts
Google Wave renders correctly on Internet Explorer 8 « I've made ...
Google Wave Drips With Ambition. A New Communication Platform For ...

Google Wave:Redefining Communication - Corporate Podcasting and ...
Google Wave - Active !deas
E-Business Association: 6 reasons why Google Wave is likely to be ...
Google Wave: Good News or Bad News for Carriers?
Google Wave - Search Engine Optimization
Google Wave – an opportunity for online research « Brand Tao
Green Team USA: Catching the Google Wave
Google Reader Social Update, A Step Towards Google Wave … | Google ...
What is Google Wave? | Chris Pirillo
What comes Next : Google Wave |

IP Carrier: Will Google Voice, Google Wave be Business UC Contender?
Wavewatch: Sandbox Access is finally coming
GlobalClassroom: Moodle Meets Google Wave
Google Wave - Gadget Development | ASABAILEY VIRAL ADVERTISING
EdTechRoundUp Weekly #30 - Google Wave, VLEs, Google Squared and ...
Sumer's Radiology Site: Google wave looks excting!
About Google Wave -
Google wave. Cowabunga dude.
2010 - iPhone 4G, Google Wave, Google Voice; Getting Work Done ...

Google Wave is a new tool for communication and collaboration on ...
Will Google Wave reshape enterprise IT? | The Open Road - CNET News
Sign up for a Google Wave Invite
Bouillon, the less known brother of Google Wave « Bouillon project
How Google Wave Will Impact Business | SmallBusinessNewz
google wave beat that!!! - Technology Forums
BookBlog » Blog Archive » Social and conceptual models for Google ...
Google Wave
Gmail in real-time: Google does the Wave | Webware - CNET
Open media: Google wave

enrevanche: Google Wave
An early look at Google Wave on Android | Android and Me
What is Google Wave??? | TechToggle - Its All About Technology
Google Wave
Google Wave Questions and Answers - Google Wave Preview - Lifehacker
Head Tale - Yet Another Librarian's Blog :: Google Wave
Will Google Wave Eliminate the Need for PR as Media Relations?
:: The Technology Cafe ::: Google has a Long way to go to beat ...
Code Review + Google Wave = Code Wave !
Google Chrome OS | Technology Heaven

Seek Omega: What will Google Wave Look Like in the Enterprise
Google Wave - What it Means to Your Business
MASHe » Blog Archive » Google Wave – Opportunities for ...
A look at Google Wave
The Google Wave Highlight Reel | Smarterware
Q2-09 Call: Google On Mobile Search; Bing; YouTube Pre-Rolls ...
Come on Google, wave those arms! Flap them like you really mean it ...
Eureka! Google Wave — Musings
The Gilbane Lecture: Google Wave as One Environmental Factor
Google Wave - A new paradigm? : gregw

Cisco: Google Wave Completes Us | BNET Technology Blog | BNET
Google Wave: What Might Email Look Like If It Were Invented Today ...
Google Wave and news « BuzzMachine
The Google “Wave” and the future of the Internet | Design ...
Positioning Power: Google Wave Will Rock!
FriendFeed adds file attachments. Next up, Google Wave? « I'm Not ...
Assured: The Isode Blog: Google Wave: Important for Messaging
Understanding Google Wave Development – Part 1
Will Google Wave revolutionise free software collaboration?
Freewares n Betas: Google Wave, The next big Thing??

Google Wave in 10 Minutes « Experiencing E-Learning
Google Wave: Redefiniing Communication
How the New Google Wave Will Change Emailing, Blogging, Your Life ...
Google Wave – A Threat to Microsoft Outlook!? - Avi Samocha's Blog
Google Wave : First Look | Webmaster Resources
Honeywell: Back up the truck, for share gains | FinanceZee
Google Wave – abridged | Caddickisms
Is Google Wave the spork of the Internet? - Computerworld Blogs
Perpustakaan: Google wave is really interesting

bizSugar - Will Google Wave Eliminate the Need for PR as Media ...
Google Wave Obliterates Everything
Next Year for Google Wave | GizmoDesk
Google Wave: Our First Hands-On Impressions
Google Wave "Is What Email Would Look Like If It Were Invented ...
SmallBusinessNewz Video Blog » Blog Archive » Make Business Easier ...
Google Wave | Ola Bini: Programming Language Synchronicity
Top News - Google Wave has great potential for education
Google Has “Stabilized,” Reports $5.5 Billion In Q2 Revenues
Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life - Developers on Google Wave

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