Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bing ---> Chrome OS ---> Office 2010

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase

Google Chrome Operating System: Pinging Bing
Google took over with Search. Microsoft responded with Bing. Google countered with the Chrome Operating System. Microsoft answered with Office 2010. It is called Capitalism 101.


Image representing Microsoft as depicted in Cr...Image via CrunchBase

Bing Delivers Credibility to Microsoft New York Times
Bing manages to hold onto its initial explosion of growth DVICE
Op-Ed Contributor Chrome vs. Bing vs. You and Me New York Times
Chrome OS

Google Chrome OS: Still Early On The Hype Curve ChannelWeb
Dell May Test Google's Chrome OS PC World
The Google OS surfaced in March--or did it? CNET News
Google's Chrome OS: Reaching for the Cloud New York Times
Big Winner in Office Web App Announcement: Google Chrome OS? jkOnTheRun
Microsoft counterpunches with free Web-based version of Office Los Angeles
Dual Boot Android Netbook Paves the Way for Chrome OS Mashable

Office 2010

Microsoft Reveals Office 2010 Timing, Technical Preview PC World
CNET News Daily Podcast: Opening the door on Office 2010 CNET News
Windows 7, Office 2010, Google Chrome OS: Never a Dull Tech Moment PC World

Bill Gates, Chrome OS, Natal, Wave
Bill Gates: Behind The Curve On Chrome OS
Blog Carnival: Bill Gates, Chrome OS
Bill Gates On The Chrome OS
Bing ---> Chrome OS ---> Office 2010
Google Chrome Operating System: Pinging Bing
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Home Security: Talk To Your Neighbors About Security

ADT is America's #1 Home Security Provider. It is for those who seek protection of their homes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Better safe than sorry. It is also cost effective. It lowers your home insurance rate. ADT's interconnected command centers watch your home 24 hours a day so you can have peace of mind.

Is your home protected? Is your neighbor's home protected? Talk to your neighbors about their home safety. Be a good neighbor. Do you look out for each other? Have one of you had your home invaded recently? Talk about it. Be caring. Build community.
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