Friday, July 10, 2009

Zenni Optical

Remember Zenni Optical during this back to school season when you are shopping around for glasses for your children. Do you have children who wear glasses? Do they sometimes break them or lose them? Or perhaps even often? Does that end up costing you a lot of money? Are you looking to be able to afford ($ 8 Rx eyeglasses) fashionable glasses for your children?

Sparq And Tweet Ads

Image representing Fred Wilson as depicted in ...Image via CrunchBase

SAN FRANCISCO - MARCH 10:  Twitter co-founder ...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

I was just making my rounds on Twitter and chanced by Fred Wilson's Twitter page and there was this tweet screaming at me from the top of his page. Before long the same tweet was screaming from my Twitter page.

But in between something happened. I got reminded of a blog post of mine from a few weeks ago: Monetizing Twitter: A Few Ideas.

If outside players are going to be the ones to monetize Twitter, then how will Twitter ever make any money? It does not have to make any money right away, or even in the short term, but it does not have the option to never make any money.

It is so obvious to me the killer ads on Twitter are going to be in the form of tweeets. And Sparq looks to me like is in good shape. They sound promising.

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