Sunday, June 28, 2009

There Aren't Enough Photos And Videos Online

Image representing iPhone as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase

Is there enough text online? Not really. Unless all books ever printed are taken online and are available full text, there will not be. Run ads alongside, I say. Make a little bit of money from a lot of people.

Is there enough text online? There is a lot.

But there is a major dearth of images and videos. Billions of images are not enough. Millions of hours of video are not enough. That is not how that can be measured. It has to start with you, and every you there is. Any image anywhere, and I don't mean images captured by cameras, I mean anything any human eye can see from any angle, is all that online? We are not even at 1% right now. And we already do image search so badly. Images are not text. But we do textual image search. Images have to be searched based on imagerial attributes.

Ditto with video. There we are doing much worse than images.

RIGHT HERE WAITINGImage by zoompict (i'm back on n off! ) via Flickr

We are going to have to twitterize content creation when it comes to images and videos. Every person with a Twitter account is a potential reporter. They can report, if not on major world events then on themselves.

I hear the with the new iPhone people can snap video clips and edit them and upload them directly from their smartphones. We have needed to skip the idea of downloading the pictures and videos to the desktop and then uploading them to websites. That middleman has been a problem.

All Books Need To Go Digital

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

So I Have Decided To Launch A Blog Carnival

I went ahead and launched this blog carnival. The first edition is out on July 1. I hope I can

Carnival in Saint Petersburg, RussiaImage via Wikipedia

bring out a new edition on the first of each month.

These below are some other carnivals run by others of possible interest to me.
I feel like blogging is meant to be a social activity. Carnivals take that social aspect to a whole new level.

Upcoming Blog Carnival on Women & Caregiving | Our Bodies Our Blog
20th Edition Book Review Blog Carnival | Book Dads
"Tracks:" A Train Travel Blog Carnival
Advanced Gaming & Theory: Blog Carnival: STEAMPUNK & KLOKWERKS
Location Independent Blog Carnival #1 | Thrilling Heroics
Fighting Fatigue CFS & Fibromyalgia Blog Carnival #11 ...
Blog Carnival vs Blogroll
Link Love - Asian Women Blog Carnival at Racialicious - the ...
July Blog Carnival Submissions Wanted
Social Media Blog Carnival- Lucky #13 | Austin Social Media

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