Friday, June 12, 2009

Mashable Did It

Image representing Mashable as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase

Facebook And Mashable: Social Media And Social Media Blog
TechCrunch Now Number Two Tech Blog As Mashable Surges Business Insider

Mashable did it. They rose with the rise of social media. While TechCrunch wanted to cover everything tech, Mashable honed on its niche. It refused to cover everything tech and instead honed on primarily social media. Mashable has aspired to be the bridge between the average person and social media. And they have done the smart thing of selling their own

Hack The DebateImage by Laughing Squid via Flickr

ads. When you do that, you can ask for much higher prices.

Congratulations to the team. Pete Cashmore has been ubiquitous on Twitter, more so than Guy Kawasaki. Kawasaki has been more of a lone shark. Pete has zoomed ahead by building a high profile team around him.

People talk of Dell using Twitter as a marketing tool. I think no other brand name has used Twitter to its benefit quite like Mashable. That just might have been their biggest secret weapon, or maybe not so secret.

Mashable rose by demystifying Twitter for the average person. Mashable rose by having a hyper active Twitter stream.

Nobody explains Twitter quite like Mashable.

Mashable: Twitter

pete cashmore mandi lehmanImage by nanpalmero via Flickr

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25 Twitter Apps to Manage Multiple Accounts
HOW TO: Put Twitter on Every Web Page [Video]

Ted Murphy & Pete CashmoreImage by tedmurphy via Flickr

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5 Ways to Get Your Questions Answered on Twitter
The 7 Ways to Approach Twitter

Nate Whitehall, Shoemoney, David Brim and Pete...Image by tedmurphy via Flickr

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Tweetable Art: 10 Twitter Tips for Artists
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HOW TO: Create Groups for Twitter

Sloane Berrent & Pete CashmoreImage by Laughing Squid via Flickr

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Mike Prasad of GirlGamer, Pete Cashmore of Mas...Image by andysternberg via Flickr

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New York Times, Don't Die, Live

I find this "coverage" ironic because I am deep into Web 2.0, a big believer, and NYT is one of my favorite news destinations online. NYT need not, should not die. It just needs to go completely online. Put all your archives online. Cover news to be published immediately. 100% ad model. Encourage others to link to your articles. Dominate the search engine results. Go multi-media. Get the top, lone, super niche bloggers to contribute on a per post, for pay basis. Even more important, have thriving comments sections. Readers don't want to just read.

Image representing New York Times as depicted ...Image via CrunchBase

Stop calling them readers. That is so yesterday. Call them consumers cum contributors. Become a megasite that is megainteractive. Appoint a CTO. Don't die. Reinvent yourself. News is more important than ever in this new age. But the old medium has become indefensible. Face the reality and live, thrive. Go for the global, real time audience. Visitors, they are visitors. They are not readers. The paper version has to die for the brand to live and thrive. Life for the NYT will be so much simpler if there was no paper involved whatsoever. Do all business online. 100% online, 100% global, 100% real time.

All Books Need To Go Digital

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