Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Facebook And Mashable: Social Media And Social Media Blog

Image representing Mashable as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase

TechCrunch Now Number Two Tech Blog As Mashable Surges Business Insider

Just earlier in the day, or was it early this morning, late last night, past midnight, I read somewhere - it was possibly on Twitter this morning, perhaps a tweet from Joe Twippi, I mean Trippi - that Facebook was now competing with Google in terms of traffic. And now I see the VC pal Mark Peter Davis in my Facebook stream with this Business Insider bombshell:

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase

TechCrunch Now Number Two Tech Blog As Mashable Surges.

Facebook is social media. Mashable is the ultimate social media blog. I have been a big believer in social media from the outset but these two news items have made me sit up in the chair. What's going on here? Whwaaaa!

..... Facebook’s traffic compared to search giants Yahoo and Google. (TechCrunch)

When you go online, what is the first place you go? Not Google? I go to Google many times on any one day, but it is not my first destination.

But I am suspicious of the "bad" news on Twitter for the past month. You ain't seen nothing yet when it comes to Twitter. Given a choice between Facebook and Twitter, I'd rather spend an hour on Twitter, no sweat, but I'd prefer not to have to choose.

And Google is about to experience a second act. Google Wave is going to be huge. So don't count the big dog out yet. On Twitter, it is not about the person, it is about the tweet, it is about the stream. With wave, it is going to be less about the person, more about the wave and the wavelet.

But Facebook has a reason to celebrate, and work to do.

Facebook traffic nears Google, Yahoo JoeTrippi.com

Is Google Wave Social Enough To Challenge Facebook, Twitter?
Facebook's Ad Space Is Different

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Information As Service, Service As Information

Lightnings {{es|Tormenta eléctrica.Image via Wikipedia

Political Sci-Fi
The Energy Solution: Nuclear Energy

Imagine we have solved the food problem. We have. We produce more than people can eat. We just never figured out how to distribute all that food we produce. Imagine we only produce environmentally neutral products, all electric cars and so on. There is abundant electricity from nuclear energy for all humanity. And there is universal, wireless, mobile broadband. In that post agricultural, post industrial, post electricity, post information age, all that we know as cutting edge and exciting today will have become utilities. At that point much of the excitement will be in the service sector.

Information processing, content creation and search will always be as expansive as the human mind. There will never be any cure to curiosity. We are built curious. At that point the two most exciting economic frontiers will remain screen time and face time: information and service.

Why d

Plug-in Electric CarImage by Digital Papercuts via Flickr

o I bring this up? Is this escapism on my part? I don't expect to see that post agricultural, post industrial, post electricity, post information age for decades. But what I do expect to see, what I am already seeing is the emergence of the same in pockets. It is already happening. Why would a Third World guy like me have an interest in those pockets? Why am I out to betray my peoples whose immediate needs are more mundane? Because you have to constantly inhabit the future to constantly seek the quickest, best routes to the present.

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