Monday, June 01, 2009

Blogger Search Gadget: What Took You So Long?

Search billions of documents with the Google Search Appliance 6.0

Image representing Blogger as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

Google has owned Blogger for years now, and only now is has come up with a gadget called search. This is unforgivable for the premier search engine. You could still have done custom search through Google AdSense, but that hassle has been so unnecessary.

Search makes a blog simple. People don't have to read through lists of blog post titles to find out something of relevance and interest. It has been quite a hassle to create contents pages. Suddenly my blogs feel so much more accessible.

Custom search for AdSense simply refused to work with private blogs that can be wonderful online office spaces. That problem persists. Why can't you search a private blog? If you can search a private Gmail account? Google needs to work on this.

Blog search and beyond Google Blog
Search billions of documents with the Google Search Appliance 6.0 One billion sheets of paper could circle the earth at the equator well over five times. Counting to one billion would take about 30 years of your life, even if you never stop to sleep. And if you had to find a single piece of information by sorting through a billion documents it would take you, on average, about 2000 years. ..... the GSA makes searching within your organization as simple as searching on
Search Box gadget available to all Blogger Buzz
Facebook Your Blog
Blogger in 140 characters or less
iLike: Add a soundtrack to your blog
What's in a logo? Google Book Search Blog
The Day in the Cloud Challenge featuring Google Apps on June 24th Google Blog
New in Labs: Inbox preview Gmail Blog

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Of Waves And Tsunamis

Google Wave: Wave Of The Future?
Google Wave: If Email Were Invented Today

The difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 is that Web 2.0 is social. (Each Snowflake Is Unique) To me the inherent beauty of the web is that it has, it will make big political, social, economic changes possible, big as in huge, humongous huge.

In 1995 Bill Gates talked of "business at the speed of thought," and that was before he "got" the internet. I am talking about political, social and economic change at the speed of imagination. (Barackface: Political Sci-Fi) Could we take democracy to every country on the planet? The non-violent way? Could we end racism? Sexism? Could we end human trafficking? Could we end slavery, bondage? Yes, they still exist. Could we eradicate poverty? Could we make education, health, and credit universally accessible? Could we pour a trillion dollars into microfinance? Could we have a democratic world government? Could we end female infanticide? Could we end female circumcision?

Google Wave could make possible political, social, economic tsunamis. Big things might become possible.

Web 5.0 Is Da Bomb
The First Major Revolution Of The 21st Century Happened In Nepal
April 22 Immigration Court Date

Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build? Google Wave Developer Blog The Google Wave APIs come in two flavors: Embed and Extensions. With Embed, you're able to bring waves into your own site through a simple JavaScript API. For example, embedding a wave in a webpage is a good way to encourage a discussion among the visitors. With Extensions, you're able to write programs, which are packaged as Robots or Gadgets, that provide rich functionality inside the Google Wave web client.
Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave. The Official Google Blog

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