Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Advanced Global Materials

Advanced Global Materials is a supplier of specialty raw materials and products from around the world. The company is based out of Brookhaven, NY. It supplies to major industries like defense, electronic, and power generation. Metal processing is its specialty.

Some of its offerings: hardware, fasteners, valves, flanges, plates, sheets, rod, bar, tubing, pipe, lugs, pins, inserts, hinges, fasteners, valves, etc. They deal with a wide variety of materials. "Services include milling, cutting, heat treating, export boxing, packing, welding, shearing, custom grinding, forging, flame cutting & saw cutting."

You can go here to take a look at its offerings and initiate online conversation with a real person on their end right away to start placing an order, or to place queries.

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Goal: A Billion People On Twitter

Jerry Yang, David Filo. That is a count of two. No wonder they got beat by Google. But if the count were not two but a billion, or even 200 million like Facebook which is what Twitter will have to hit on its way to the magic billion? Then what? Then are we talking some serious competition? I think so.

Twitter does not pay anybody to tweet. Twitter is the ultimate crowdsourcing application. I think humans are going to take over the world. Unless machines fundamentally innovate.

If I were to take a really long view, I think this thing is going to be cyclical. Humans 2, Machines 1.

Search Come Full Circle: That Human Element
The Search Results, The Links, The Inbox, The Stream
Fractals: Apple, Windows 95, Netscape, Google, Facebook, Twitter
I Talked To Google Through Twitter And It Worked Like Magic
Twitter And The Time Dimension
What Should Facebook Do
TweetDeck, Power Twitter, Twitter Globe, Better Than Facebook
TCC: Twitter Community College
Twitter Tips: It's A Bird, It's A Bird
Mitch Kapor Now Following Me On Twitter
I Get Twitter

Search: Much Is Lacking
The Next Search Engine
Email, Search, News

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