Tuesday, February 03, 2009

NY Tech MeetUp: 02/03/09


There is something about the Barry Diller building that gets me. It feels futuristic.
555 W. 18th St
New York, NY 10011
I believe I was at the first NY Tech MeetUp at this venue. And today was the last. Nate announced the next MeetUp will be at a bigger place, twice as many seats. I think I am going to miss the huge screen. Tell Barry I said that.

Diller Country, Month 2
Microsoft, Google, Facebook: NY Tech MeetUp Has Arrived

I showed up about seven minutes late. An Indian guy was presenting a device that is a handheld that is good only for email, and hence cheap, you pay $20 a month. After the presentations were over, and each presenter had a corner of the room where they were holding court, after my few minutes with Jeff Jarvis, I went to the stall for the device, and talked to another member of the team, Dan Morel. Dan is not on Facebook.

Between conception to production, it was a year. They are a 20 strong team that has outsourced everything. Someone else did the design for them, of course manufacturing was in China, someone else did the distribution, the marketing. That's agility.

There were a few presentations that had not been listed at the NY Tech MeetUp site, and I asked Nate about it later at the bar, and he said that is because there are several last minute negotiations as to who will be presenting. That's why. Nate succeeded Scott as the Organizer for the MeetUp. This was the first time I saw him in action. I think he did good.

Conceptually Diligent: Web 5.0 Is Repackaging Hello

I am so glad I went to the bar afterwards. This is where you meet people one on one.

I met a MIT PhD on my walk to the bar. He works for the city on computer and date security. Then I found my old friend Mark Chackerian. He is another MIT guy. He works for a company founded by a 1989 Tiananmen star, Chinese guy. I am going to drop by Mark's 444 Park Avenue office to meet his boss. Hi, I am Paramendra, and I am going to win the Nobel.

Euwun Poon was another interesting person I met at the bar. A Cornell Computer Science undergrad, Cornell Law grad, Singaporean, speaks Mandarin, entrepreneurial. And I am thinking, I want this guy on my team.

Facebook deleted my old account with 1500 friends for overuse, so Mark is going to have to become my friend again. And I got two new Facebook friends, if nothing else.

Onto Digital Publishing
Social Networking: Where The Internet Comes Down From The Clouds

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At NY Tech Meetup! - Amol's posterous
Sanford Dickert, Social Engineer: NYTM - February 2009 - Social ...
Tech and The City - Entrepreneur.com
NY Tech Meetup — January 2009
At IAC’s HQ for my first New Y…
nextNY Blog » February NY Tech Meetup Tonight at IAC Building
Drwn News: At NY Tech Meetup!
NY Tech Meetup-a recap and a look back

I thought the best presentation of the evening was where the guy presented not as the creator of the site, but as a consumer. That role play was interesting. He got the phrase "Nate is haut" on the big screen. That was hilarious.

The NY Tech MeetUp will be at a FIT building, will hold twice as many people - I did email Nate about two weeks back saying, get a stadium, too many people don't get to come - and is supposedly a more convenient location.

Nate Westheimerinnonate / Nate Westheimer Entrepreneur in Residence at Rose Tech Ventures (so part VC, part startuper) + Organizer of NY Tech Meetup 2,267 followers

Next MeetUp: March 2, Monday, at FIT
27th St & 7th Ave
btw 7th & 8th Ave
New York, NY 10001

NYC Convergence:

NY Tech Meetup Presenters Demo Mobile Tech

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Monday, February 02, 2009

Conceptually Diligent: Web 5.0 Is Repackaging Hello

Finally a sane voice. Who is Mike? Hello Mike. (from the NY Tech MeetUp mailing list discussion)

Web 5.0 - Wikipedia

Defining Web 4.0
Web 5.0: Face Time
A Web 3.0 Manifesto

Message 13: Michael Mellinger

Web 4.0 isn't on wikipedia yet. Nice write up on 3.0, which isn't here yet. Start the wikipedia article, blog about it or invent it. There really isn't much value unless you do the latter.

Sent from my iPhone

Message 12: Andy Badera

Attacking me for my primary physical location is about as insightful and effective as your laughable, pitiable effort at self-promotion by discussing a topic that is not only cliche, but even so, seems also beyond your ability to offer value in discussing.

Message 11: Paramendra Bhagat

Andy. I just checked. You are in Albany. No wonder you don't get the Silicon City vision. You don't "get" the city.

Message 10: Paramendra Bhagat

In your original post it is DNFFT.

Message 9: John Campbell


Message 8 : Paramendra Bhagat

What do you mean by DNFTT?

Message 7: John Campbell


Message 6: Andy Badera

I don't subscribe to people posting meaningless self-promotional non-insightful blogspam without bringing some sort of value -- did that really need to be spelled out for you? Web n.0 has been beaten to a bloody pulp, and your piece offers nothing new in that arena. Really, it's not even that good at covering the same ground covered many times before.

Message 5: Paramendra Bhagat

You mean other than that 90% of the traffic at this discussion forum is less conceptually meaningless?

Instead getting into name calling, why don't you try a different tack? You could say you don't subscribe to the Web 2.0 terminology, or that you do, but you don't see why anyone would build on it, as in thereis no room for Web 3.0 and beyond concepts, or that you see room for all that but you think my classification is off the mark, and you could try and say why.

Then we are talking. Right now we are not.

Message 4: Andy Badera

There's nothing new or original or insightful here, so why are you posting it?

Message 3: Paramendra Bhagat

Andy. My Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, Web 4.0, Web 5.0 classification sounds vague, nebulous, amorphous, pie in the sky, abstract, cloudy to you. To me it feels rather concrete. Let me ask you something. There are people who think even the term Web 2.0 is pie in the sky. There is a web, and that is all. There is no 2.0. How do you feel about that? Is Web 2.0 a term you use? Or what? And if Web 2.0 is real to you, what is your disagreement with Web 5.0, for example.

I feel like there is a comprehensivity to my classification that makes it rather poetic.

Message 2: Andy Badera

Another nebulous Web n.0 piece, fantastic. Was there something of particular value here you were trying to share with us, or is this just a link to another run-of-the-mill pie-in-the-sky pointless Web n.0 enumeration piece?

Message 1: Paramendra Bhagat

Defining Web 4.0

"One million seconds comes out to be about 11½ days. A billion seconds is 32 years. And a trillion seconds is 32,000 years. I like to say that I have a pretty good idea what I'll be doing a million seconds from now, no idea what I'll be doing a billion seconds from now, and an excellent idea of what I'll be doing a trillion seconds from now."

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