Saturday, July 06, 2013

Ingress: 12 Keys To One Portal At Once

I was able to pick up a dozen keys to one portal at once earlier today. They were just lying by the portal. Has never happened to me before. You pick one or two keys. But a dozen?

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Ingress: 7,000,000 AP

I hit 7,000,000 in AP today. I have a feeling that makes me one of the top three blue agents in the city, all of whom are way behind the two green agents derp and Das. I started on February 1, hit Level 8 by the end of that month. And without meaning to I have been doing at least a Level 8 like AP every month since.

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Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Ingress: Jackson Heights: The Most Happening Place In Queens

Ingress: New Scanner: Version 1.30.2 Update

Being able to see how many keys you have to a portal before you link to it is great. I have over 30 portals that I like to have at least one key of. But I also want to link and field - the most fun part of the game.

I think this scanner favors agents who walk to agents who drive around in cars. That is also a plus. The car advantage might have been diminished. If Ingress could turn America into a walking nation, that would be trillions in health care savings. That alone would make the game worth it. I was not overweight when I started playing, but I have lost weight playing. That is a good thing. My waistline is slimmer. Walking is the best aspect of the game. I was already a walking maniac before the game. Now I am even more so.

What they have not worked on is the COMM. Unless they fundamentally rework the COMM the app is not tremendously helping the social aspects of the game. The COMM is currently the weak link in the chain.

My only bigger gripe than the COMM is that Niantic is not approving portals fast enough. Unless New York City has 10 times more portals it can not accommodate its current batch of players, let alone the expected five times increase in player numbers. I would like to attempt complex fielding, but that is currently not possible. Please approve my 1,000 portal submissions already.
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