Thursday, July 07, 2022

7: Afore Alpha

Afore Capital

Afore’s fresh $150 million fund includes a plan to standardize the pre-seed world And it’s ready to come after Y Combinator .......... Venture firm Afore Capital first splashed on the scene with the aim to institutionalize that angels, friends and family round. Now, after investing in over 80 companies over five years, the eight-person team has landed on a more specific way to do so: Offer a standard deal and raise what it claims is the largest dedicated pre-seed fund in the market. ......... Afore general partners Anamitra Banerji and Gaurav Jain tell TechCrunch that they has closed a $150 million fund fueled almost entirely, around 85% to be specific, by existing LPs. New investors account for the remainder of the capital, which brings Afore’s assets under management to $300 million. ......... Afore is launching Afore Alpha, what it’s calling a standard pre-seed deal that offers founders a $1 million lead investment via a $10 million post-money SAFE. The money, as well as resources and advice from Afore’s team, is offered in exchange for 10% ownership of a company. ......... The new standard terms will apply to any startup, regardless of geography, that gets accepted into Afore Alpha. .......... Venture firms have increasingly started launching their own in-house accelerators — take Sequoia and Andreessen Horowitz for example — but many are still investing on a deal by deal basis because of a focus on multistage, Jain thinks. ........ founders care more about investors who are focused on one stage ......... Most of Afore’s portfolio companies to date are first-time founders, a focus it plans to continue as assets under management scale. Of course, the company has experience cutting first checks, estimating that it has led more than 80% of the rounds where it has invested. Portfolio companies include BetterUp, Modern Health, Petal, Overtime, BenchSci and Neo Financial. ............... Startups in the pre-seed world don’t have revenue or hard metrics so it can be hard to value them beyond weighing supply and demand. Regardless, Afore thinks that the $2 million post-money valuation that traditional accelerators offer is just an “unfair lowball valuation in 2022.” .......... Afore Alpha puts the firm in direct competition with accelerators like Y Combinator and Techstars, or programs like A16z’s recently unveiled START. The co-founders noted that

their deal is five times more capital, and five times the valuation, compared to what other accelerators offer.

............. Afore gives the money upfront and doesn’t have any MFN clauses. ........ “We think it is very disruptive to founders. They should get a good amount of capital, and then go heads down and build the business.” ....... high valuations come with tough expectations — and startups could also buckle in trying to grow into their prescribed worth. ......... companies need $1 million to hit early milestones. ......... “In 2022, the venture community should be able to offer founders at the start of their journey a fair, transparent and meaningful deal.”

Afore is Tripling Down on Pre-Seed With a new $150 million Fund III in hand, we’re launching a superior way for founders to raise their first funding. ...... Afore was founded just over 5 years ago to build something missing in the VC landscape: a venture firm that won’t tell founders that it’s too early — or too risky– to invest. ........ We came to VC having served as early product leaders at Twitter and Google’s Android, giving us a unique understanding of how to shape a promising idea into a world-changing product. ........ As investors with strong product backgrounds, we made a conscious choice to focus on pre-seed. We’re passionate about supporting founders in

that formative “zero to one” phase when there’s little or no product, no traction, and no revenue. Pre-everything. Pre-obvious.

......... pre-seed, where the risk and rewards are greatest. ......... To many, pre-seed is a convenient way to get an early look at promising companies; it’s a means to an end. At Afore, it’s all we do. ......... We have built an enviable portfolio of more than 80 companies, with a collective market cap that already exceeds $11.5 billion. Afore is proud to have been first –and quite often the lead– investor in breakout companies like Modern Health, BetterUp, Petal, Overtime, BenchSci, Hightouch, Flatfile, Neo Financial and Retain, among others, and to have led more than 80% of the rounds where we’ve invested. ........... Nearly 85% of Afore’s portfolio companies have gone on to raise an institutional follow-on round; 64% of them have skipped straight to a Series A. ........ nearly one-quarter of the more than $1.18 *billion* that pre-seed firms have raised since 2016 has gone just to Afore. ........

Data shows more than 90% of today’s venture dollars flow to later-stage companies that have already reached product-market fit.

Accelerators and other early investors aren’t set up to provide dedicated help and are unwilling to commit meaningful money. So instead of getting the capital they need, founders are too often offered minuscule investments at comically low valuations. ......... The harsh reality is that in today’s market, and at today’s prices, accelerator-level capital barely covers the cost of getting started. With just a few months of runway, founders end up on an endless fundraising and demo-day treadmill, leaving little time to build a viable product — let alone bring it to market. The bottom line is that

you can’t fly a rocketship with a few gallons of gas; founders need fuel, not fumes

. ............ Afore Alpha, a new product that offers founders something better. It distills everything we’ve learned since 2016 into a single, standardized product designed to increase founders’ odds of success. ........... Afore Alpha sets a new standard for what a pre-seed deal should look like in 2022 — one that gives “pre-everything” founders the runway and personalized resources they need to reach traction and raise a substantial Series A .......... Afore Alpha is available to any founder worldwide. Entrepreneurs from Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere are increasingly seeking the same type –and same level– of resources available to their North American peers. And rightly so. With Afore Alpha, founders will get the same generous terms, whether they’re in Singapore, South Africa, Spain, or San Francisco. ........... With Afore Alpha, founders can now raise one meaningful upfront round and spend their next year actually bringing their products to market and actually reaching traction. It’s a winning formula that has worked time and time again for our portfolio companies.

A Beginner’s Guide to Crypto: Getting Started with ETH the Ethereum network is presently one of the most engaging spaces to immerse yourself in. Most of the hype projects you see trending on Twitter are being built within the Ethereum ecosystem. ........ Bitcoin is currently *just* a currency whereas Ethereum is a system that includes its own currency, the ability to create applications using the system, and a vibrant developer ecosystem. ........ Borders are stupid! ........ Twitter, Discord, and Telegram seem to be the main social apps of choice for people involved.

जन्मसिद्धका सन्तानलाई नागरिकता दिने सहमति जुटेको छ : महतो

Introducing the 2022 State of Crypto Report towards a decentralized, community-owned-and-operated alternative to the centralized tech platforms of web2 ............ As legendary investor Benjamin Graham once allegorized: It’s best to pay no mind to “Mr. Market”, who frequently boomerangs from exuberance and euphoria to despair and depression. To Graham’s wisdom we add an addendum: Better to build. Consider that any prospective founders who swore off tech and the internet in the aftermath of the early-2000s dotcom crash missed the best opportunities of the decade: cloud computing, social networks, online video streaming, smartphones, etc. Now is the time to consider what the equivalent successes will be in web3. ............ Compare Meta’s nearly 100% take-rates across Facebook and Instagram to NFT marketplace OpenSea’s 2.5%. As U.S. Congressman Ritchie Torres noted in a recent op-ed, “You know something is profoundly wrong with our economy when Big Tech has a higher take rate than the mafia.” ............ web3 paid out $174,000 per creator, while Meta paid out $0.10 per user, Spotify paid out $636 per artist, and YouTube paid out $405 per channel. Web3 is tiny but mighty. ..........

More than 1.7 billion people don’t have bank accounts

........... underserved and unbanked populations – 1 billion of whom have mobile phones – crypto offers a shot at financial inclusion. ......... Helium, a grassroots wireless network, is posing the first legitimate, decentralized challenge to entrenched telecom giants. ........... Crypto is far more than just a financial innovation – it’s a social, cultural, and technological one. ......... We’ve barely just scratched the surface of what’s possible. ......... Ethereum dominates the web3 conversation, but there are plenty of other blockchains now too. Developers of blockchains like Solana, Polygon, BNB Chain, Avalanche, and Fantom are angling for similar success. ......... Ethereum’s overwhelming mindshare helps explain why its users have been willing to pay more than $15 million in fees per day on average just to use the blockchain ......... Blockchains are the hit product of a new computing wave, just as PCs and broadband were in the ‘90s and 2000s, and as mobile phones were in the last decade. .......... We estimate there are somewhere between seven million and 50 million active Ethereum users today, based on various on-chain metrics. (See slide 54.) Analogizing to the early commercial internet,

that puts us somewhere circa 1995 in terms of development

. The internet reached 1 billion users by 2005 – incidentally, right around the time web2 started taking shape amid the founding of future giants such as Facebook and YouTube.

Here's a look at who might replace Boris Johnson as UK Prime Minister On Tuesday, two high profile lawmakers expected to throw their hats into the ring -- Health Secretary Sajid Javid and Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak -- resigned over the botched handling of the resignation of Johnson's former deputy chief whip in a sexual misconduct scandal. ............ Any candidates who run for the leadership will go through rounds of voting by Conservative lawmakers until only two remain -- at which point Conservative Party members nationwide will vote. The winner will be the new party leader -- and prime minister. ....... Sunak's stock sank earlier this year after revelations that his wife had non-domicile tax status in the UK and that he held a US green card while a minister. His popularity has also taken a beating in recent weeks as Britain has suffered a cost-of-living crisis. Sunak has struggled to keep down spiraling inflation and has been criticized by opposition parties for what they call a slow and inadequate series of financial measures. But he is still among the bookmakers' odds-on favorites to take Johnson's job. ........ The MP has twice run for party leadership in the past -- in 2016, after the Brexit referendum, and in 2019, when Johnson was ultimately elected. ...... She has a formidable and dedicated team around her -- some of whom previously worked in Number 10 -- which has been producing slick videos and photos of her looking thoroughly statesmanlike. ......... Less than two days after he was appointed to chancellor, replacing Sunak, Nadhim Zahawi publicly called on Johnson to resign. "Do the right thing and go now," he said in a statement on Twitter accompanying a letter to the Prime Minister. ....... Zahawi was born in Iraq to Kurdish parents and came to the UK at 9 years old, when his family fled Saddam Hussein's regime. He is believed to be one of the richest politicians in the House of Commons, and helped found the polling company YouGov.

The Maldives is building the world’s first floating city . The first homes are slated to open to public viewing in August ......... .

Kidults' drive a bump in toy sales Child's play is big business, but not entirely because of kids. Adults buying for themselves are helping drive toy sales, which jumped 37% to $28.6 billion in 2021 ...... So-called "kidults" are snapping up building sets, games and more, a trend that gained steam during the pandemic as all ages sought a little escapism. Companies including Lego and Razor are leaning in with increasingly adult-friendly products, which seems like a no-brainer: An industry survey from 2021 found that 58% of grown-ups are buying for themselves. .

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Afore Capital

joining a16z crypto Over the past two years, we have seen an explosion of new protocols that facilitate exponentially faster, cheaper, and larger volumes of transactions per second that allows for the beginnings of a reality where the matching logic of a “marketplace” can be coded into the smart contract itself. ....... The rate of growth in the web3 ecosystem is explosive. ......... Fanning this fire is a surge of brilliant builders who won’t sit idly by to accept the mediocrity that is the current iteration of the internet. ........ From my interactions with the a16z team, they can only be described as “Crypto Ocean’s Eleven” consisting of some of the very best hackers, cypherpunks, operators and builders from every corner of the internet.

2022 State of Crypto Report

Dropping out of Harvard to work closely with founders while the hype dies is the best way to focus on learning everything I can while supporting the founders building the next cohort of industry-defining companies. ....... There is a large inflow of world-class talent from Web2 and TradFi flowing into the crypto ecosystem, and I want to be with these folks as they combine the best Web2 building principles with the best of Web3 to help create the permissionless, transparent, global, and iterative tech foundation of our economy. ....... open source culture tied into the concept of ‘Open Source Money’ & ‘Open Source Disney’. ......... As a TradFi fintech investor looking at backend banking and payments infrastructure, I realized what an inefficient financial system existed. We have created siloed databases (some that depend on obscure programming languages like COBOL) to help keep track of who owns and owes what. ......... A financial system which is inherently functional 24/7, low maintenance, constantly iterating and improved upon from a set of global eyes rather than 5 engineers in a bank, with permissionless engagement with the system. ......... This system has the potential to turn intermediaries into permissionless protocols, and remove friction from the way we exchange value. As we saw from the Internet incrementally removing friction from communicating information (people were asking why we needed information that fast back then), an incrementally frictionless financial system allows for the exponential growth in second-order business models. ......... that fallacy where 1995 David Letterman points out that the Internet was not useful for broadcasting and recording sports games, since we already had radio, television and tape recorders. ........ We do not need to imagine that crypto will eat up the entire financial world tomorrow — we just need to believe it can grow as fast as the Internet, which after 40 years, is still only 20% of retail sales. ........ Sometimes, crypto leads to fragile economic systems that blow up to the detriment of retail investors. That is bad. However, we can create better payments systems, better remittance platforms, and more transparent, permissionless financial ecosystems when we use blockchain technology in the right way. ......... If we were to design a more efficient global financial system from scratch, what technology, principles and mechanics am I more likely to use? ............ I grew up in Singapore, a small island, and interacted with my cultural world through the Internet. ........ I spent countless nights staying up reading Halo fan fiction on Through pure passion, the fanfiction community brought the Halo universe to life, through hundreds of thousands of pages of elaborate back-stories and fantastical writing. ......... The biggest takeaway was that a lot of cultural value that exists in society and culture are driven by people using the Internet to coalesce communities around niche passions to build a common fantasy world. That our culture is driven as much by our grassroots community, as it is by giant cultural behemoths like Disney and Hollywood, and that they can work together. Web3 offers the promise of creating structures that allow grassroots communities to capture value together, around community-directed cultural properties.

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Jason Strimpel: Twitter MBA

5: Bezos

joining a16z crypto